Just reading todays paper and our Govt is going to pay-out commercial fishos on Sydney Harbour because the Govt now says it may be as long as 100 years before dimersal fish in the harbour reach the correct level of dioxins.
I would like to ask the Govt investigators what happens when these fish travel north out of the Harbour.
We are about to see the mullet move within the next 6weeks and closely followed by the bream and luderick.These fish have all matured in the Harbour.
Do these dioxins flush out of the fish before they are caught by the beach haulers south of Newcastle (majority of these fish are sold into QLD ) or is the real truth the Govt wanted commercial fishos out of the Harbour so they lowered the reporting levels of dioxins to solve the problem.
We are only talking about 60 fishermen of which 12 are licensed to fish the Hawksbury but the Minister didnt want to crowd that fishery so he will pay them to.
I think we should be asking more questions of our pollies are we about to see another marine park