Much of the coastline of Australia is scanterley inhabited and has quite reasonable levels of fish stocks, certainly more than places such as Moreton Bay.
Recreational anglers pay huge sums of money through taxes etc into the economy.
I’m not sure of the exact price but I believe that it costs the average angler when everything is done and said about $65 per kilo of fish they catch.
When I look at the money I have tied up in boats and repairs and fuel etc I can say that this certainly would apply to me.
Subsequently I don’t know why the Government doesn’t buy back as many of the Commercial Fisherman’s businesses as they wish to sell.
I’m not advocating forced buy backs as this is in my opinion would be wrong. But instead offer them decent prices and perhaps new licence deals for less populated areas where their catch rates would be higher anyway.
Those Commercial Fishermen who wish to take up the offer would then place less pressure on already stressed areas and those Commercial Fisherman that wish to stay, well that is their right and we should respect their decision.
It appears to me to be a win/win situation for everyone involved.