For all those that use the Mooloolaba Boat ramp, join this petition to have the water turned back ON !
I and many others have watched with wonder and dismay at the petty officials no doubt from council who have tried to restrict boat washing and outboard wash out at Mooloolaba boat ramp. Now with a pad lock on the Tap - Pathetic !
The Council is there for the people and to assist in the social amenties of our area, paid by the people and voted in by the people. Please do not sit on the side lines , but support the restoration of these services. We need at least 200 names in support.
Across the river at Kawana ramp they have 2 fish cleaning boards with running water, plus a tap to hose off.
I will personally take this petition to Mayor Joe Natoli, and the Mooloolaba councillor for their support ( and hassle them like crazy ) in returning the water services plus at least 1 fish cleaning board with water.

Send me by pm or e mail your support at - all lower case
Just write " I support this petition to resore water services at Mooloolaba Boat ramp "
write your name and area. eg ( John smith - Buderim )
Also sign the windscreen petition left on your car at the ramp.

Thanks everyone.

Tim Jenkins