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  1. #1


    Govt to create 13 marine protected areas
    Date: 05/05/06

    The federal government is expected to announce the creation of 13 new
    marine protected areas (MPAs) off Australia's south-east coast.

    The more than 226,000 square kilometres of marine park, covering an area the
    size of Victoria, will be an important advance in protecting Australia's
    marine life, Environment Minister Ian Campbell said in a statement.

    "This is a major advance for the protection for the unique marine life off
    the south-east marine region, and significantly we have been able to deliver
    these new marine protected areas with minimal impact on industry."

    Fishermen impacted by the MPA networks may be able to access assistance from
    the government, Senator Campbell said.

  2. #2


    "Fishermen impacted by the MPA networks maybe able to access assistance from the govt..."

    The last week has seen two commercial fishermen that were "bought out" because of the Cape Byron Marine Park re-enter the commercial sector,one got $350k the other $450k,the first bloke had to wait four weeks then got a dormant license for $40k the second bloke was back in bussiness inside a week with a dormant license costing him $100k.Both of these blokes negated the govt guidelines by simply puting the licenses in their wives name,registering the deckies as the licensed fishermen and signing themselves on as deckies.I am not against closed/protected areas I think they are a necessary evil for the good of future stocks,but you certainly have to wonder if we have the best people making the decisions when you have f@cking idiots like this letting small opperators put it all over them.

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