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More Scare tactics???
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Thread: More Scare tactics???

  1. #1

    More Scare tactics???

    Another SMH article ... I wonder where the editor's sympathies lie?

    Whilst I agree that some reduction of the bulk bag limits wouldn't hurt, the title and style of the article seems to be giving the conservation council view extensive reader coverage. The last line seems to be a token effort to appear as though the article is balanced reporting.

    (EDIT: been back and read the related articles; gives a bit more time to a balanced discussion and views of the rec fisho)

    Coming originally from Nrth NSW and getting back to fish there a couple of times a year, my general feeling is that the fishing has improved substantially over the last 5 years or so. At least for the bread and butter species like whiting, flathead, bream and tailor - can't really comment on offshore, but going on Mono's recent reports it certainly seems to be getting better also. This of course has nothing to do with the recent marine parks, but is probably more likely the result of ongoing improvements in estuary netting / trawling management, buy back of excessive commercial licences, water quality / rain runoff management etc etc which is basically ongoing rectification of past missmanagement.

    Also there seems to be a very strong hint that there is a definite agenda for getting the marine parks locked up, THEN bringing on other restrictions. Sounds like the old death by a thousand cuts syndrome again. But you have to wonder, who's pushing this agenda, why is it so difficult to find where this agenda is heading, are rec and pro fishos being consulted during the process of increasing restrictions????


    Fish stocks near collapse - report
    April 14, 2006

    Related coverage
    Net prophets divided over catch
    Fishy tale: haul of day from trawler to table

    RECREATIONAL fishing in NSW should be severely curtailed with bag limits slashed from 200 to 20 a day and up to half the coastline shut off permanently to anglers and commercial operators, the Nature Conservation Council says.

    The recommendations are in a report, Empty Oceans, Empty Nets, which says government catch statistics over the past 60 years show the state fishery is "on the edge of collapse" because of poor management. The report, which tracks catches of 64 species between 1940 and 2000, says almost all species are in decline even though the commercial catch has halved in recent years.

    The state's 1 million recreational anglers can now take up to 200 fish a day across all species and up to 20 of some species. The council wants that limit cut to 20 across all species. The State Government is already considering changes, including an overdue review of bag limits, but will not discuss specifics until it has finalised the last of six marine parks.

    The report's author, Paul Winn, from the Hunter Community Environment Centre, says marine parks do not go far enough: "They don't cover the entire coastline. It falls well short of what is really needed to address fisheries management."

    The director of the Nature Conservation Council, Cate Faehrmann, said the Government should increase sanctuary zones inside marine parks. "We've got to get out of the mentality that there is this endless supply of fish … Research has shown for years that this is not the case and in fact that fish numbers are decreasing at an alarming rate. Recreational fishing is impacting on some fish species quite severely."

    Recreational fishing groups agree there is a need to protect specific species but insist fish stocks are stabilising.

    Robert Wainwright

  2. #2

    Re: More Scare tactics???

    While I dont agree with shutting off the coastline, 200 fish is far to many for anyone.


  3. #3

    Re: More Scare tactics???

    Hi all
    well on ch ten news tonight they had the conservation council cate faehrmann trying to state that the recreational fisher's are doing more damage then the Pro's with Recreational aloud to catch 200 fish per day now that is a lot of fish but to the truth of the matter is how many of us receational fisher's would even come close to that No in a day little to the facts that you would probably catch that many which being out there every day of the week they should check the bag limits before they open mouth and the bag limits on most fish now days is in possesion in which only in titles us to what we have in hand an in the freezers at home. No offence Derek but they really do need to check these things out before open mouth. Yes there maybe the odd fisher-person out there that will not obey the regulations but they will come aguters one day. these councils need to be put but in there place and some needs to do it before they sink the recreational fishing this is a job for the T.F.Q.P. maybe on the to do list.


  4. #4

    Re: More Scare tactics???

    200 fish a day,what a load of crap.who would take that amount of fish home a day, or want to, we all know where the fish go ,dont we. bob h

  5. #5

    Re: More Scare tactics???

    Hi hussy
    yes we know it is a load of crap but this is where the greenies, conservationist get to the different parties with there B.S. the way a lot of fisher-person's stand back and let these morons go the more likely it is going to go against us, we know that fisho's and becoming environmentally with our pratice's and are only on most occassions taking only what we need for a feed for the family and maybe a friend or two but we need to get this through to the know it all's sittting behind a desk and have know idea as to the rest and relaxation that go's with fishing spending time with our families and friends on the water and teaching the kids or Grand-Kids what we have learnt and make sure that the knowledge is not lost on stupidity of i have know idea on how to spend time with family, Friends, and teaching patients to our children and keeping them off the streets from vandalism. But more so teaching the right way of sensibilities like water an Alcohol do not mix, safety on water, sensible fishing pratice's, we all know these rules and most accept this some just choose to ignore the facts and put everyone's life in danger but overall we do teach our Children, Families and Friends that sensibility will always come out on top and preserve our life stlye but we all need to stick together for it to continue.


  6. #6

    Re: More Scare tactics???

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