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Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopped?
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Thread: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopped?

  1. #1

    Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopped?

    Understandably and quite correctly, there has been a lot of discussion as of late on the efforts of what I call the "kissy fishy" organizations and groups who are making a concerted, professional and well coordinated attack on what we affectionately call our "fishing rights" .............. and these guys will continue to win on every occasion because they know at recreational fishing level we are all a disorganized bunch or moaners and groaners who won't get off their lazy butts to do anything constructive or supportive of those out there trying!

    Doubt that??

    Then have a quik squiz at FISHING NEWS on this site and see the responses to:


    Have a look at the positive and constructive replies out of a combined "read" by some 425 people????

    Yep, THREE (3)

    In my post (a) I forecast that the response would be from one to five percent - spot on eh! How did I know that? Easy, much easier to moan and groan on AUSFISH than to get off ones bum and make noises in the right direction. Read as "let somebody else do it!" - the good old Aussie apathy!

    As goes the old saying back in the dark days of "where were you when the war was on Dad?" can now be modified "where were you when they stopped all the fishing Dad?"

    "Ah gee son, I had a bit of a whinge on AUSFISH a cupple of times"

    Why bother harrassing my MP on the issues we feel so strongly about, why bother supporting SUNFISH or THE FISHING PARTY, why bother talking to my many fishing mates and getting them to do the same! Nah, y bovver!!

    Sorry guys, but whatever we get we deserve!!! I am NOT saying these groups are the cat's mieow and are right in everything they say or stand for but they are all we have. I guess I get a bit peed off when I see that a BOATING topic of "Cats - Go For it" gets 3298 reads and 174 replies yet topics essential to the future of our fishing gets less than 15% of that! Not knocking that topic but where the hell do our priorities lie?

    The length of time (often extensive) it takes for members/visitors to post a topic or reply on AUSFISH would be better directed at a Polly or those with some influence in righting the perceived wrongs! Maybe we will win, maybe we will lose but after the battle we can at least say we put up a damn good effort!

    Before you attack me, just ask yourself two questions OK??

    "What am I doing CONSTRUCTIVELY to address the issues affecting my fishing rights?" and two being:

    "Am I simply part of the problem and not part of the solution?"

    Remember, a good old fashion bitch on AUSFISH may make you feel better but it is absolutely useless in addressing the issues at the right level!!!

    I sent off ONE (1) email to an MP and have a meeting with him next week to discuss the issue!

    Just one last favour guys and gals, if and when you post a reply, please start off with:

    "This is what I have done/will be doing to become involved in the issues facing the recreational fishing industry:


    I'm dun - ready to repel boarders!!

  2. #2

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Mate, it's a long week-end, and I'm willing to bet that with the kids at home, some of us only have time for a quick read with little time to answer atm.

    Give it time and don't co-erce. If folk feel like they're being forced (shamed) into responding, then the odds are, they won't.


    The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatsoever that it is not utterly absurd. Indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.

  3. #3

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Thanks for reply Kev ------ your comments are always good to read but this time your spelling is wrong!

    Spelt A-P-A-T-H-Y

    God forbid, we have to rely on members/readers who feel "coerced or shamed" by reading the truth!

    If anybody is so sad as to take their bat and ball and go home over this then they don't possess the qualities that are needed anyway!

    I have a family too and if I can take the time to sit down and put up this post then readers can take a few minutes to respond!!

    Hope ya killed the fish over Easter!

  4. #4

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    "This is what I have done/will be doing to become involved in the issues facing recreational fishing activities:

    1. Met with Minister/ DPI managers/ DPIF staff to discuss recreational fishing.

    2. Became a fully paid up member of " The Fishing Party "

    3. Subscribed to QLD Govt publications involved with the Fishing Industry

    4. Responded to every RIS for the last 4 years in relation to recreational fishing

    5. Emailed, Local members, Federal members, State Premier and Minister

    6. Read a lot of PETA's properganga ( propergander ? ) so as to keep abreast of their ' activities' and agenda

    7. Put into practice and advocate to others, the Rules and Regulations regarding Recreational Fishing Size and Bag Limits within Queensland.

    8. Support all petitions presented to me in relation to reducing the " Effort and Size " of the Commercial Netting Industry.

    9. Encourage " best practice " recreational fishing to our younger generation

    10. Get actively involved with internet discussion groups

    How much of my time does this take up ? Less than an hour a week.


    I feel ya passion, Panther, and I don't believe anyone can predict with certainty what our rec fishing will be like in 10, 20 or 30 years.

    Although the ' apathy ' exists, in many, many areas of our Aussie lives, Fishing is an intregal part of our " Way of Life ". Our " Way of Life " will always be protected by the Govt of the day, regardless of political pursausion or extreme lobby groups. Fishing will not change, just the circumstances in which we partake may.

    Lead and they will follow.

    Cheers Phill

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  5. #5

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Yer a legend Phil!
    In your presence I am but a mere nothing, an insignificent being, lowest of the low, scum, filth and I grovel in your shadow ............!!!
    Oh we had more like you eh?
    I guess I get so damned frustrated at how simple it would be to get our message across to the right people in the right places................ we may lose but what a fight eh?
    I am off to Parliament House week after next for din dins with a great supporting MP, hope to meet Old Honest Pete (see guys, I DO have some contacts!) and have no compulsion in asking my MP how we should go about something like this i.e. email, poll, petition etc. I know he will advise me honestly and maybe we can get a lead from there............?
    I got an $85,000 floating jetty installed at Victoria Boat for the Boaties by doing it the right way and in spite of "ah, it will never happen" like to think I have the runs on the board.
    Or maybe I will just get battered into submission by the majority who don't want to make the effort.....
    Sigh! Gunna clean my boat and fix the dillies up!

  6. #6

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    This is what I have done/will be doing to become involved in the issues facing the recreational fishing industry:

    1 emailed minister for fishing
    2 emailed local member
    3 emailed premier
    4 joined eco
    5 being involved

    recieved email back from premiers dept nothing from other 2

    Were not all apathetic

  7. #7
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    I will admit it, I have not done a thing and probably never will.
    I do not believe that fishing will be banned in Qld...political suicide for any mob that tries to do they do try and ban fishing , I won't care...I will just break the law and fish anyway. I spend more time working and have limited time for other activities.

  8. #8

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Well Panther, there are many, many more out there that will NOT post here saying what they are up to and do. They go about quietly " making a difference '. I also firmly believe that those who make the most difference are seen the least.

    The stopping of ring netting in Hervey Bay

    The stopping of Tailor netting on Fraser Island ( and other beaches )

    are a couple of prime examples of recreational fishers having an input into a fishery that needed to be addressed due to ' unsustainability ".

    I was merely pointing out what can be done and how little time it takes to do it.

    Cheers Phill

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  9. #9

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead
    I do not believe that fishing will be banned in Qld...political suicide for any mob that tries to do it...
    Thats not true PinHead.

    Fishing is already banned on 30% of the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Sandy Marine Park will be gazetted later this year with conservationists calling for fishing to be banned in 33% of it. Fishing is currently banned in 1% of Moreton Bay and the conservationists are calling for 30 to 50% fishing bans when the zoning gets reveiwed later this year. We are still waiting for information on the Gold Coast Marine Park. Who knows what percentage of that will have fishing bans. Then there is the Gulf of Carpentaria.

    Maybe fishing wont be banned completely, although there is plenty of action to suggest that conservationists are working on it, but they sure are reducing the areas we can fish currently. Now with PETA working on banning catch and release for gamefishing who knows what will come out of that.

    I just spent easter on the south coast of NSW. They are working on banning fishing in 30 to 50% of Marine Parks down here as well.

    Writing is on the wall.


  10. #10
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Derek..the conservationists are probably working on it and may succeed in some areas. We give them plenty of ammo....have a look at some of the boat ramps around...bunch of sloths these rec frames left above high water mark at a local ramp...pollution from motors there any conclusive scientific evidence that soft plastics DO NOT pollute the waterways...alas we give them a lot of their ammunition...catch and release will be another in the firing lines. They will quote the numbers of boat registrations as an unsustainable number of fishos (even though a great many do not fish or do not catch any fish)..but they will still lobby and be successful in some areas.

    The following is taken from the Federal ALP National Platform and Consitution:

    Marine Environment Protection

    Labor is committed to promoting the conservation and sustainable use of our marine and coastal environment. Labor will work with State, Territory and local authorities and agencies to ensure Australia's biologically diverse and fragile marine environment is monitored and sustainably managed.

    The Commonwealth government should provide leadership, policies and resources to ensure integrated regional ecosystem-based management across jurisdictions and maintain marine biodiversity.

    Labor supports a comprehensive assessment of offshore ecosystems to inform policy development and management of marine resources.

    A Labor Government will work towards the reduction of the serious threat to water quality from coastal shipping practices, sewage and stormwater disposal and thermal pollution, nutrient sedimentation, and introduction of exotic pests and diseases via ship ballast water.

    A Labor Government will work to mitigate noise pollution in the marine environment, and sonar and seismic activities harmful to cetaceans and other vulnerable marine species.

    Planning imperatives include the need to address unsuitable coastal development including all future canal developments, agricultural practices, pollution of estuary and coastal water, ship transport regulation, rig and pipeline developments and industry accountability for pollution.

    A Labor Government will promote the efficient and sustainable use of Australia's marine resources and will address unsustainable fishing practices.

    Labor supports the creation of marine national parks and 'no take' or 'green zones' in the Great Barrier Reef to sustain ecosystem health and sustain fish stocks.

    Labor will promote the conservation of key ecosystem health indicator species such as whales, dugong and turtles both in Australian waters and across the world's oceans.

    A Labor Government will support technological advances in fisheries to minimise bycatch of non-target species in fisheries and ensure this serious threat to a number of marine threatened species is eliminated.

    A Labor Government will develop strategies to mitigate the impact of marine debris in our coasts and oceans that poses a threat to many marine species.

    A Labor Government will work through international forums to address unsustainable fishing practices worldwide.

    A Labor Government will work with indigenous communities and recreational fishermen to ensure hunting of marine animals is sustainable and humane and threatened species are protected.

    A Labor Government will pursue a permanent end to all commercial and scientific whaling and the establishment of a global whale sanctuary.

    A Labor Government will pursue high seas marine protected areas to protect biodiversity and work to address the increasing problem of unregulated, unreported and illegal fishing through all appropriate legal instruments.

    The above seems rather "green" to me without the input of any other conservation organisations.

    But....lots of votes will go to the ALP due to Howard's IR reforms...bit of a catch 22 situation.

  11. #11

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead
    Derek..the conservationists are probably working on it and may succeed in some areas. We give them plenty of ammo....have a look at some of the boat ramps around...bunch of sloths these rec frames left above high water mark at a local ramp...pollution from motors there any conclusive scientific evidence that soft plastics DO NOT pollute the waterways...alas we give them a lot of their ammunition...catch and release will be another in the firing lines. They will quote the numbers of boat registrations as an unsustainable number of fishos (even though a great many do not fish or do not catch any fish)..but they will still lobby and be successful in some areas.

    The following is taken from the Federal ALP National Platform and Consitution:

    Marine Environment Protection

    Labor is committed to promoting the conservation and sustainable use of our marine and coastal environment. Labor will work with State, Territory and local authorities and agencies to ensure Australia's biologically diverse and fragile marine environment is monitored and sustainably managed.

    The Commonwealth government should provide leadership, policies and resources to ensure integrated regional ecosystem-based management across jurisdictions and maintain marine biodiversity.

    Labor supports a comprehensive assessment of offshore ecosystems to inform policy development and management of marine resources.

    A Labor Government will work towards the reduction of the serious threat to water quality from coastal shipping practices, sewage and stormwater disposal and thermal pollution, nutrient sedimentation, and introduction of exotic pests and diseases via ship ballast water.

    A Labor Government will work to mitigate noise pollution in the marine environment, and sonar and seismic activities harmful to cetaceans and other vulnerable marine species.

    Planning imperatives include the need to address unsuitable coastal development including all future canal developments, agricultural practices, pollution of estuary and coastal water, ship transport regulation, rig and pipeline developments and industry accountability for pollution.

    A Labor Government will promote the efficient and sustainable use of Australia's marine resources and will address unsustainable fishing practices.

    Labor supports the creation of marine national parks and 'no take' or 'green zones' in the Great Barrier Reef to sustain ecosystem health and sustain fish stocks.

    Labor will promote the conservation of key ecosystem health indicator species such as whales, dugong and turtles both in Australian waters and across the world's oceans.

    A Labor Government will support technological advances in fisheries to minimise bycatch of non-target species in fisheries and ensure this serious threat to a number of marine threatened species is eliminated.

    A Labor Government will develop strategies to mitigate the impact of marine debris in our coasts and oceans that poses a threat to many marine species.

    A Labor Government will work through international forums to address unsustainable fishing practices worldwide.

    A Labor Government will work with indigenous communities and recreational fishermen to ensure hunting of marine animals is sustainable and humane and threatened species are protected.

    A Labor Government will pursue a permanent end to all commercial and scientific whaling and the establishment of a global whale sanctuary.

    A Labor Government will pursue high seas marine protected areas to protect biodiversity and work to address the increasing problem of unregulated, unreported and illegal fishing through all appropriate legal instruments.

    The above seems rather "green" to me without the input of any other conservation organisations.

    But....lots of votes will go to the ALP due to Howard's IR reforms...bit of a catch 22 situation.
    When I think about it, I am not so sure that I dont have a problem with any of the above PROVIDED IT IS BASED ON SOUND SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE.


  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    and when all u can buy in australian shops is asian farmed prawn [fed on growth hormones and god knows what] and bassa fillets [ fed on reprocessed chook poo] are u gonna say gosh we should have maybe supported our local fishing industry [pro] instead of propagating green propaganda and believing the lies.
    support ur right to access to environmentally sustainable harvest of australian seafood.

  13. #13

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead
    I will admit it, I have not done a thing and probably never will.
    I do not believe that fishing will be banned in Qld...political suicide for any mob that tries to do they do try and ban fishing , I won't care...I will just break the law and fish anyway. I spend more time working and have limited time for other activities.

    How full will the jails be if we all did this?
    Or would fisheries have a huge boat shed full of boats & 4x4s.

  14. #14

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    OH..........shoot...........forgot something Mr Panther.

    Where was I at the last Federal Election ?

    At my local polling booth, handing out " fishing party " how to vote cards. Jeez I get around.

    Yes, Greg, I agree, as I said, I don't believe that fishing will be totally banned. These Green zones, yellow etc are in place now, but there is scope for change. If the powers that be see in the future, that we ended up fishing in a bathtub, those coloured zones can be " moved ".

    Sorry Waldo, there is just one word the commercial industry and the Govt use in relation to the actions of commercial fishing, that really does not sit well with me, and should be changed. That word is " Harvest ". I cannot find in any reference book where it states that you do NOT have to sow, to reap a Harvest. Don't get me wrong here, I detest the imported " fish " for want of a better word, but I would like to see a commercial fishing industry in Australia, leading the way in ' proven " eco-sustainable methods.

    Did I digress ? sorry, what was the question ?

    cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    phil oxford concise dictionary defines harvest as
    reaping and gathering in of grain or other products,corn crop, seasons yeild of any natural product.
    no mention of sowing there im afraid.

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