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Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopped? - Page 3
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Thread: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopped?

  1. #31

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Quote Originally Posted by waldo35
    kev do u make ur own homilies or are u quoting.......last 1 has sumthing of suntzu to it.

    The last one was my own as I thought it related to the way the thread was going.

    My thoughts were that if someone was trying to gather an army then they sould do it quietly, efficiently and save their energy for the fight once the (loyal) army was mustered.

    Watch a recruiting officer at work for the Defence force. He makes the potential recriuit feel valued, he doesn't slag 'em off because of their hesitancy or lack of articulation.

    The fact that the threads in question only had 2 responses is irrelevant. Nearly 200 reads proves an interest in the subject matter and just because some may not be articulate enough to respond or even find a need to, does not mean that they aren't recruited.

    Co-ercion and press-ganging never produces an efficient army. The army has to have the guts for the fight, feel valued by their leaders, and most importantly, have belief in the cause (motivation). Motivation for the fight can come from many quarters but good leaders alone can motivate. (Potential) leaders do not co-erce but nurture


    This too is appropriate.

    It takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.

  2. #32

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    "Ya can't change history ,but you can change the future"

    "It's not a crime to cross your own boundaries ,unless a green zone"

    "I'll punch ya lights out ,if I catch you stealing from my pots"
    "You will be crab-bait-mush , if I catch you stealing my pots"

    [smiley=laola.gif] [smiley=laola.gif]

  3. #33
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    isnt it funny tha > >t when it is percieved that a profisher is personalizing an arguement we are pulled up but when a recco refers to a profishers logbook as a cheat sheet and call to question the honesty and integegrity of the entire profishing sector nothing is in the case on other threads suggesting the value of running outboards thru profishers nets. booooooooo to u one eyed moderators.practice wot u preach.
    and gazza u still didnt address the issue of logbooks for reccos to accurately define recco effort.....u want equitable access to the resource pony up. >

  4. #34
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Kev you take things personnal too much.
    What im trying to get across is, if we the rec's dont pull together we might as well not try at all.
    i could count on both hands the numbers just on this site, who are and who may be doing or have a interested in their future on the water.
    As for Wally's comments. mate we do it for pleasure not for profit.

  5. #35

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Quote Originally Posted by webby
    Kev you take things personnal too much.
    What im trying to get across is, if we the rec's dont pull together we might as well not try at all.
    i could count on both hands the numbers just on this site, who are and who may be doing or have a interested in their future on the water.
    As for Wally's comments. mate we do it for pleasure not for profit.
    Webby, I know what you're trying to get across and that is commendable. I don't take things personal, and I do my level best not to personalise things. I just think that the initial manner of the Pink Panther was/is more likely to switch people off than turn 'em on. Calling folk apathetic just because they didn't respond isn't likely to endear someone to the cause. Just because they don't respond, doesn't mean they ain't interested or aren't doing their bit in their own way. The thread has received plenty of reads and that in it'self has sown a few seeds without "getting up" folk just because they don't reply.


    A jury consists of twelve people chosen to decide who has the best lawyer

  6. #36
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    are u suggesting webby that i dont take pleasure in my work????????
    and whats ur situation do u get paid for writing for magazines,being moderator here, going out fishing to be able to write for magazine....not having a go at u personally but if u do then u do do it for profit.
    and as to the matter of profit i operate a local trawler providing sustainable [yeah yeah ive heard ur arguements.....dpi says its sustainable] seafood to local consumers..... i work very hard and my profit margins are low.......dont confuse your local seafood provider with the big hookers and big companies.

  7. #37
    Ausfish Platinum Member rando's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    We already own ALL the fish ( public Resource)
    YOU pay us(government) for the right to profit from taking OUR resource.

  8. #38

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Quote Originally Posted by waldo35
    isnt it funny tha > >t when it is percieved that a profisher is personalizing an arguement we are pulled up

    A. but when a recco refers to a profishers logbook as a cheat sheet and call to question the honesty and integegrity of the entire profishing sector nothing is said

    B. and gazza u still didnt address the issue of logbooks for reccos to accurately define recco effort.....u want equitable access to the resource pony up. >
    A. You've ALL been audited mate? apologies
    B. Waldo , you want Recco. logbooks so they SHOULD be funded and administrated by the PRO-fishers ,maybe via PRO Licence increases.... sign me up , bring it on!!! ...but it STILL won't be accurate(100%)

    FOR NOW mate
    Avg. recco's catch 12~15kgs.....per year
    Rec-days = 6~7 .......per year
    MY average is about 30~50kgs. of prawns bought per year i guess that's about 120~200kgs of by-catch

    Any tackle,bait,boats,etc..ask the businesses that SELL them to us
    THEY have "logbooks" ....100% accurate

    Total Qld Mate????.....8100T ,about 30% of the bycatch in the gulf

  9. #39
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    blah blah blah same old tired arguments....reccos own all the fish eh what about when old mum, blind freddy etc wanna feed of fish u gonna go get it 4 them rando......u said it u self u cant catch a fish for ur self letalone others and gazza u pay nothing for use of this public resource so fund ur own log books we fund ours.

  10. #40
    Ausfish Platinum Member rando's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    If not the people of queensland, then who owns the resource in Qld?

    Again you confuse the issue which is, and always has been bycatch and the effect of removing it from the foodchain and the degradation of the environment by trawling.

    Catch all the prawns you want, but dont do it at a cost to the environment that is unacceptable.

    If it is such a concern about the plight of those that dont fish then I assume that the industry will donate your catch to them as they are obviously highly socially motivated and a benefactor to all

  11. #41

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Pink Panther
    I leave the comments here to my follow Fishing Party Members
    For me Action is louder than words and getting out there informing people Like being a the recent Tinny and Tackle show for 3 days on the stand and letting the people of SE QLD know what the the Australian Marine conversation soicety want to do to Moreton Bay and what they done up North QLD and so on
    Help in the part of forming Brisbane South Branch of The Fishing party and now being the Treasure
    Also being activist in other fishing party helping out
    The big picture here is to make the Fishing vote count at the next State Election so we can tell goverments of the day we don't like whats going on here and just think its not just about fishing also going affect the boating, 4WD's ,Camping +all other outdoor activities and their bussiness house' being involed with it down turn in sales in which means loss of jobs and so on eg look at whats happen to North QLD 41 to 47 percent down turn in sale's
    Just remember united we stand divide we fall

  12. #42

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    I think the shame was that this topic was moved to the FISHING NEWS section.................... where previous posts suggest it is not read by a large majority of viewers.
    The "reads" dropped to about two a day whereas in the GENERAL section, there was initially a great response to the post.
    I did PM the moderator to see if it could be moved back again but got ignored so there you go!

  13. #43

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    Sorry to have missed involvement in this debate because it has been a good one but work work work

    No man ever said on his death bed....If only I'd spent more time at the office!
    I note Waldo fights a bit of a lone hand here as a pro but he is to be admired for it. Very hard to contantly swim against the current.

    From an official TFPQ perspective.

    We support commercial fishing ventures which are sustainable & supply domestic markets.
    We support environmentally sensitive aquaculture.
    We do not support large scale export driven commercial fisheries.
    We do not support inshore beam & otter trawl.
    We do not support the commercial expoitation (not harvest) of billfish.

    Waldo we too believe that Australian consumers should be able to access Australian Seafood....just a bit hard when Abalone is $200 a Kg and Coral Trout over $50.

    EVERY fish kept by recreational fishers ends up on our it our own, our family or the next door neighbor...even the black market(by no means do we condone that).

    If the commercial fishing community woke up to the fact that they are potentially facing a PR crisis when mr/s Joe public finally twig to why they are eating Meekong River Catfish they might get some more sympathy from rec fishers.

    There are bad eggs on both sides of the "fence" here. I have seen some very ordinary displays from ignorant , stupid "recs" and some shockers from greedy pros taking a short term profit view.

    What has been alluded too several times is that we should not be enemies. Recreational fishers now have a level of influence far beyond anything ever available organised vote. Commercial fishers have for many years had effective funded lobbying and enjoyed influence via political donations and subsequent political favour. One of these 2 is a FAR more powerful political tool.

    Times have changed. Your own industry peak bodies have recognised it and now wave the olive branch. Government has recognised it. TFPQ was involved in recent funding of QSIA from the Commenwealth Government.

    Time for the commercial fishing industry to swallow its pride and understand that we can be the biggest chance they have to save their industry from greedy multinationals and green driven government policy.


  14. #44

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    KC........Unfortunately most freak out when the word "politics" is mentioned......but it appears to be the only way

    Pink Panther.... The apathy drives me insane [smiley=hammer.gif] ...but at the end of the day just makes me want to try harder for my kids

    Cheers Col

  15. #45

    Re: Gee Dad, where were you when the fishing stopp

    I dunno Mr Panther. I did not move the topic here, but I feel it has paid dividends.

    Shall I explain ? quite simply, the fisherfolk out there in Ausfish land that actually give a damn, are prepared to do something and have the nouce to respond, read this forum.

    Have a decko at the general site and reports. How many times do you see a reply like :-

    nice catch mate !

    good one

    I agree,

    etc etc etc .................Bah.

    Now look at the responses here. Lengthy replies that have people thinking, agreeing, dis-agreeing, passing on info, offering solutions and suggestions.

    This IS the right forum, me thinks ! and I am enjoying it.

    One thing though, sometimes it is really hard to put into words the exact meaning of what one is trying to say and the tone in which it is meant. Good to see people using the smilies to assist with this.

    Cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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