I congratulate Senator Abetz, Senator Ron Boswell and Andrew Laming MP on the Fishing Concerns Forum held last night at the Cleveland Sands Hotel and their genuine interest in the concerns of our local community in relation to rezoning and management of Moreton Bay.
The meeting was extremely passionate and was attended by in excess of 300 very passionate baysiders. For those of you who were able to come, it was a job well done. I truely feel that with this meeting we have started to make a significant difference as a collective voice and WE HAVE BEEN HEARD.
It has to be noted that although invited, representatives from the AMCS and State Government were noticably absent.
There was also a sizeable media contingent which included print and television.
As Moreton Bay is essentially a State Issue, we need to continue to on with this campaign and do all we can to get the attention of State Government, so keep talking to anyone who will listen. Make your vote count at the polling booth when the time comes. Remeber we ALL FISH AND WE DO VOTE
I can tell you now that this is the first fishing fourm and it wont be the last. See you at the next one.
Regards Shane