Seeing as your the only one that shows their head on this site, although others might be shy and are hiding in the wiring and not posting anything. So this is directed at you.
1. What agenda or proposals if any, (besides trying to get a few pollies on side)Wether by you or Sunfish or BIAQ or affiliated bodies have been laid on the table regarding the bay.
You may not want to answer that, if there's any Caspers watching.
2. Is scientific evident being sought or already at hand, that supports the proposed closures.
3. There are rumours that water clarity, silting etc are one or the major reason for these proposed closures.
4. If so, has the reasons or whereabouts as to where its coming from or being produced been tabled, as 99% comes from the mainland Industry and development or are some being paid to turn a blind eye about the crap that pours into the river and suborninated creeks.
5. There would i'd say still be 40-50% of those that use the bay, have no idea as to what is happening.
So are fishing clubs and other fish related websites, fishing magazines, bayside papers, tackle stores etc being asked to assist in spreading the news.
6. to all the offshore brigades, freshwater and beach fishos, you may be sitting on the wayside thinking this will have now effects on us. WRONG.. If Bay fishos bare the blunt of closures and it dramatically effects where and what we can do and go, where do you think the majority will head.
THat right, to the areas you fish, and most of these locations are being pounded now.
So dont think it wont effect you.
7. Mr lamming and other associated pollies, where have you gone or have you done your bit and reckon you've received some slaps on the back, and gained a few more votes, so you've now melted back into scenery.
I Thing AUSFISH needs to move "The Moreton Bay Closures" back to General CHat, so it hits everyone in the face when they visit.