All the debate about 30 to 50% closures from Lab/Greens and better management theory by the others has left me wondering about a few things.
I think a lot of the common sense and practicality has flown out the window, so I have had this thought.
Who are the most practical people in Australia? The answer is our farmers.
What have they got to do with fishing you may ask. Well it is not so much about fishing, but how they go about their business.
Farmers have a lot of land with which they must use their skills and intuition in order for them to maintain their livelyhood, and ensure it stays in first clas condition so it can be passed to the next generation.
How do they do it?
They don't just plant every square acre every year, or put more livestock on it so it is packed to the rafters. They use crop rotation, fallow ground (areas of ground left to rest and freshen up), and plant what is viable for that season. It is not rocket science but a learned thing, they are in touch with their environment.
Our farmers are renowned around the world as the best, so how come we as fishers can't take a leaf out of their books.
If the Government of the day said that farmers will have to lock up 30 to 50% of their land because of unsustainable practises or erosion or whatever, all farmers would go broke and we would all either starve or have to buy imported lesser quality food.
The farmers would be on the dole and for those who only know one trade expertly, it would impact heavily on their families and associated farming businesses.
So why can't we "farm" Moreton Bay?
What is wrong with management like rotation of prime fishing areas?
eg spell areas for a time etc
What is wrong with sustainable practises?
eg bag limits, size limits, seasonal no take times etc
What is wrong with people being able to access the best seafood in the world?
What would happen to those who rely on Moreton Bay and it associated industries for their livlehoods to be maintained?
Take a look what happened with the GBR closures and the $200+ million it has cost, not counting the cost to the family unit etc.
Closures and lock outs do not work.
What TFPQ advocates, sustainable fishing, fish for everyone etc and common sense from a grass roots level paints a larger picture. It is more than just fishing, the closures will have a huge impact on even those who have never held a fishing rod.
Don't forget common sense on Sept 9 and if you don't have a TFPQ candidate in your electorate, then there are other alternatives. Vote with your head, not with your heart.
If the economy of the SEQ corner is devestaed by closure of large sections of Moreton Bay, then hospitals, water, dams etc will be the least of your worries. Try tragic unemployment levels, family breakdowns and .....well I don't want to think about it.
Send the power brokers a clear message on Sept 9.
My thoughts, and analogies,