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Protest Convoy posts here Please - Page 8
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Thread: Protest Convoy posts here Please

  1. #106
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    Other side of ute

  2. #107

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    Here Here KC

    I couldnt tow my boat in the rally for reasons beyond my control.......... but i went to the ramp and showed my support. Stayed for the speeches etc and had to go as the convoy took off.

    Apathy is not always the reason, some of had reasons we coudltn go in the convoy


  3. #108

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    Ziggy did you come all the way down from Bundy for the convoy ?????

    WOW what a champ, thought you were up there in the running for the $200 in cash, would have come in handy for the petrol money you would have spent

    Thought the dog was a classic

    Well done mate!!!!!


  4. #109

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    Hi all
    great turn out for the day for those that missed it for one reason or another and for those that had to work the message has been sent loud and clear for those that did not take a sickie shows commonsense and respect for the boss but for the rest of us
    we placed ourselve there peacefully but the message has been heard for Beattie to come out and openly say thing means he knows we are there and that we are going to be organized for the future and he knows we are mad so lets show him at the poll

    Now sorry but i do have any photo's of my rig as my Digi ran out of batteries when going to take a few shots at the ramp but my step-daughter has some on hers when i can get them will post them

    once good turn-out at cleveland


  5. #110

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    For the time that it was organised in and the media coverage it got I think it was went very well and congratulate all those that could spare teh time.

    Yes, more people could have got involved. Even if we had 2000 people turn up we could always say it would be good if more people got involved. Yes, it would have been great if we had green lights all the way to the city. etc. etc.

    But when you think of it the police permit was only issued a week bofore the rally. There were over 500 people, adults and kids, involved either in cars or cars with boats. It made the news on 7 and 9 and Seven even asked Premier Beattie for a comment and put in on air.

    So stop beating yourselves up about it and put the energy into the real fight.

    The fight has only just begun.

    We can not keep the Bastards Honest
    But we can make the Bastards know we care.

  6. #111

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    Whens the next one. We need to keep it up or it will fade away. the more we push it the more people will come on board.

    Mr Bean, When did you say we were going fishing in that big beast. Did you see Chris (your neighbour) in town making a fool of himself.


  7. #112
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    Great White

    Ziggy did you come all the way down from Bundy for the convoy ?????

    Yes we did come down just for the convoy. We are also fighting for our right to fish up here as they have just closed more areas. Yes the $200 would have been good but no luck We did put 3 day's into making the signs..... The deciding factor was the closing of the Amity and Chain Banks. It was good to see everyone coming together for the same reason. We even told our Member up here about it and to our suprise he was there and even made a speech. Yes the dog was eccepted well, and he is now having a well deserved rest.

    Thanks for your kind comments Peter

  8. #113
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    who did win the $200 ???

  9. #114

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    Gotta get some AusFish stickers on 4Reel. We came in with the north side convoy.
    We came home via the city and at just about every intersection we came across another boat. It was amazing. It seemed like there were boats zipping around all over the place.
    The public certainly noticed us and we didnt disadvantage anyone.
    Well done to all and keep the faith.

  10. #115

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    Well done Mr Bean. Great work on the boat.

    Ziggy, love Stanley the dog and the ute, great effort to come down from Bundy for the rally.

    The police said - What was taken
    I said - Just my lifestyle.

    Mr Bean and Ziggy can you please PM me your address so I can send you out the following pack.

  11. #116

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    Anyone else notice that there was absolutely nothing about the convoy in today's Sunday Mail?
    Is the Sunday Mail green biased?



  12. #117

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    I checked Yahoo!7 for news on convoy after wonderful coverage on television. None Found ...
    Left the following post ..the link is the actual post.

    I am taking it to our meeting this Wednesday Night along with other gems to get some answers from Beatties new team member in Bundaberg .
    Well Done to the Brissie Protest Organiseres and all supporters.

    "Welcome to Beattieland The UNOFishState

    Closure of Moreton Bay

    Stuff up The Great Sandy Straits and Wide Bay areas

    Come Fish the long Black Tarmac & hope to catch a truck loaded with fish fresh from overseas farms and bred from stock originally sent overseas live from what used to be Queensland.

    Democracy - Parlimentary Caretaker Government Conventions, Local Consultation all bad words here, it would seem.

    Fisher-folk yesterday in Brisbane gave all politicians a glimpse of what to expect when they threaten the rights of average Australians ...As 7 News Stated Thousands & Thousands of Boats converged on Parliment House, I also noted the number of 4x4's and sedans with Rods and placards as well - Well Done to the organisers

    Well Done fellow Fishers ...fishingmaddad "

  13. #118

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    Quote Originally Posted by ziggy.
    Other side of ute
    Ziggy your a Legend !!! See you at Wednesday Nights Bundy Meeting !!!!

  14. #119

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    I had 35 people depend on me at work and i wasnt in a position to get out of work or have a sickie with short notice. I have in fact wrote emails and talked personally to pollies, petioned, sent many postcards and informed as many people about our fight as i can.
    I know you are passionate about the fight and so am i and a lot of other people that could not make it. We are all in it together for a long fight so please dont acusse the majority of apathy. This should be the first of many rally's to come and not be the only one, so i am sure there will be more people and media exposure next time.

    sorry to take it peronally but i do feel strongly about what we do.
    All good m8 and happy fishing.

  15. #120

    Re: Protest Convoy posts here Please

    hi all
    Just spent 2day helping out at the TFPQ stand at the boat show.
    I was amazed at the number of people that didn"t no about the proposed
    closures 4 the bay & the closures up our coast line.
    but after spending a bit of time explaining what was going on ,99% signed the
    petition on the table,
    thanks KC,WAYNE I learnt a lot 2day about the green zones.
    a lot of people said they are not happy with MR beattie &greens
    was good to hear ,
    thanks 2 TFPQ 4 having me on board

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