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Thread: calls to disband gbrmpa

  1. #1

    calls to disband gbrmpa

    So finally the calls to disband the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority,
    are getting louder.
    When it finally eventuates, it will be a great day for Queensland, and a
    great day for Australian democracy.
    There will be dancing in the streets, to rival the end of ww11.

    Just hope I'm stil young enough to dance, and Fish of course.

    cheers Mick

  2. #2

    Re: calls to disband gbrmpa

    Yes I will be punching the air in victory although what beast will replace it -a name change? Where did you find out about "the calls to disband the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority,
    are getting louder." I would like to add my written voice to it.

    cheers fnq

  3. #3

    Re: calls to disband gbrmpa

    Hi fnq.

    A number of politicians have recently voiced oppinions re
    disbanding QBRMPA
    ABC news, now reports QSIA is backing calls for the
    disbandment. Long way to go, but at least some pollies
    are now speaking up and getting the issue into the media.
    We wont be dancing alone FNQ, but we just have to keep pushing
    for some real justice.
    I understand that GBRMPA will have to be replaced in some form,
    however I hope it's replacement will be open and honest.

    I think the shredders might need replacing when the current
    bureacrats walk out the door.

    cheers Mick

  4. #4

    Re: calls to disband gbrmpa

    The review of GBRMPA was conducted internally - by DEH. It was completed about 2 months ago and Senator Campbell is sitting on it.

    Its his choice to release it or not.

    the state election may have delayed it. If so that does not mean anything by itself

  5. #5

    Re: calls to disband gbrmpa


    who is QSIA,

    I am arguing with a greenie on another site and he doesn't believe anything thats not referenced (even then he doubts my quotes).

  6. #6

    Re: calls to disband gbrmpa

    Billfisher I just googled up "Queensland Seafood Industry Association"

  7. #7

    Re: calls to disband gbrmpa

    If my memory serves me right, senator Campbell is a long time fishing and Australian outdoor life devotee.
    Godbless that man.
    Humility is not a weather condition.

  8. #8

    Re: calls to disband gbrmpa

    Billfisher if you are "discussing" this issue on another site and want the ultimate reference tool, send me an email on and I will send you the TFPQ submission document to the GBRMPA review. All referenced, dot pointed, researched and chronicled.


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