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Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay
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Thread: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

  1. #1

    Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

    Media Release 5th September 06


    Fishing Party Chairman, Kevin Collins, has accused the Greens of letting the cat out of the bag over the Beattie government’s plans to introduce no-go zones in Moreton Bay.

    Mr Collins said, despite Mr Beattie’s claims that recreational and commercial fishing would not be banned on Moreton Bay, Greens spokesperson, Juanita Wheeler, had referred to “the state government's plan for no-go zones across sections of the Bay.”

    “This admission was made by the Greens before announcing that preference arrangements in a number of key marginal seats will flow to Labor,” Mr Collins said.

    “While I am pleased this issue is clearly on the election agenda, the public needs to know the truth.

    "Mr Beattie and Ms Bligh both told us they have no plans for no-go zones and the Greens, just after doing a preference deal, tell us the government has plans for no-go zones.

    "Who are we supposed to believe?

    "This government has made dishonesty an art-form and this just adds fuel to the fire.

    "The fact the Greens now label us a ‘narrow interest group with too much influence over Coalition policy’, is pretty rich coming from a party which has influenced Labor for 25 years.”

    Mr Collins said the Green strategy was to preference Labor in nearly every marginal seat where the Coalition had a slim prospect of winning or retaining.


    Media : Kevin Collins 0414 785 462

  2. #2

    Nationals Agree

    6 September 2006

    Moreton Bay fishing ban part of Greens deal

    Moreton Bay fishing closures have already been decided under a secret deal between the Beattie Labor Government and the Greens, the Queensland Coalition warned today.

    Shadow Fisheries Minister Mike Horan said Mr Beattie’s claim that a review of the Moreton Bay Marine Park was yet to be completed had been contradicted by the Greens, who have struck a deal to preference Labor in a number of key marginal seats.

    Greens lead spokesperson Juanita Wheeler recently claimed the Queensland Coalition’s plan to ensure commercial and recreational fishing could continue in Moreton Bay was “in contradiction to the State Government’s plans for no go zones across sections of the Bay”. (Media Release, 27 August 2006)

    Mr Horan challenged Premier Beattie to immediately reveal which parts of Moreton Bay would be “no go zones” and what secret deals Labor had done to secure Greens’ preferences.

    “The existing Moreton Bay Marine Park protects the natural environment and marine life while still allowing families to go fishing and commercial operators to catch the fresh local seafood we all love to eat,” he said.

    “There is simply no need to introduce massive fishing closures as there are already size and bag limits and fisheries management plans to ensure the bay is used sustainably.

    “The Greens say they ‘support the call from conservation groups to increase the reserves to 30-50%’ (Media Release, 27 August 2006). In other words, the Greens want between a third and half of Moreton Bay closed to commercial and recreational fishing.

    “In stark contrast to Labor and its extreme green partners, the Coalition believes in common sense conservation and genuine community consultation, and we will ensure Moreton Bay remains open to commercial and recreation fishing.”

    Mr Horan said several times in State Parliament he had tried without success to get a guarantee the Beattie Labor Government would not lock up a substantial chunk of Moreton Bay to fishing.

    “The Beattie Labor Government has a track record of introducing fishing bans in Moreton Bay with little scientific basis and token consultation. In 2003, popular fishing spots were locked up allegedly to protect sharks,” he said.

    “Horse riders, beekeepers, farmers and timber workers have borne the brunt of Labor’s environmental extremism over the past eight years, and I am worried it is the Mums, Dads and kids who just want to go fishing in Moreton Bay who will be next on Labor’s hit list.”

    Mr Horan called on all Queenslanders who loved fishing and eating fresh local seafood to reject Labor’s extreme green plans by voting for the Coalition at this Saturday’s State Election.

    Media Contact – Scott Whitby 07 3406 7430 or Mike Horan 0418 982 271

  3. #3

    Journalist confirms Beattie Govt agreed to 30% to

    I asked a journalist friend to call Juanita Wheeler Spokesperson for the Greens to confirm her press release of 27 Aug that Moreton Bay will have significant No Go Zones.

    The journalists reply to me was:

    Dear Gary,

    I have just spoken to this stupid left wing green thing and she tells me that the government made a verbal commitment to them that they (the government) would follow the AMCS recommendations. She has nothing in writing only verbal commitments from meeting they have had with the government.

    Not much else I can do but it looks like the government is having two bob each way.

    Kind Regards

  4. #4

    Re: Journalist confirms Beattie Govt agreed to 30%

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Fooks
    the government made a verbal commitment to them that they (the government) would follow the AMCS recommendations
    God help us! [smiley=wut.gif]
    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Argle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

    Dont you just hate political bullsh!t. How can any party expect to be taken seriously when they dont come out and say what they mean!
    Its a good thing TFPQ has started to make an issue of this or who knows what these b@stards would do, at least now its in the spotlight and as such the Government may actually take SOME notice of the people who use the bay not just environ-MENTAL wannabe's with an agenda.

    Cheers and Beers
    "Mystique" Haines Signature 580BR with 175 of Mr Suzuki's finest ponies

  6. #6

    Re: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

    Hi all
    well the question now is are we going to back the lair-bilities or a change is as good as a holiday this is for you all to decide on the statements above but remember the issues here-

    Health lack of 8yrs of B.S promise and rememebr he was the Health minster in the previous Governement oh sorry suddenly there is 7 billions hanging around
    after how many love ones have been lost > > >
    Water lack of infrastructure will be drink dust soon suddenly there is more cash

    Major State Roads still no money spent on them suddenly we have the money

    Education and Schools once agian suddenly we have the money where has it been hiding these kids are our future

    Public Housing or once again lack of sold more than kept but spent the money else where? people on the street due to lack of infrastructure.

    Moreton Bay once again denials and more lies > >

    we will be transparent and all involved wll be kept in the loop >

    as stated above the Beattie government has made a new art form of lies and deception
    Please someone inform me what this is going to teach our children of the future(hay its alright for the leaders of our state to lie to everyone so it must be alright to lie to everyone as well) will we try to teach our children the differents between right and wrong it is blown out the door by Beattie Government >

    Question how many more lies and deciet do we have to put up with > >

    Back to fishing this teaches patients, respected, sensibilities, they are not at home watching the idiot box, sitting playing computers or games, they are off the streets, not stealing or on drugs, and yes even some of them are not out raging drunk??

    We as fisho's have grown to respect the environment in the way we fish

    so once again i place this back to you all is this what we want is this what we want to teach our children or future generations

    do we want a better Health, water, fishing grounds and more so be able to spend time with our families weather they be our children, wives or even grand-children

    The cat is out of the bag and amongst the Pidgeons time to send in the dogs and erradicate the vermin and I am being nice

    My Grand-father once told before i became a Manager/superviser or own my own Business to whom i would always have Empolyees are working for an empolyer always lead by example and always have the intestnial-fortitude to admitt to your mistakes or give credit where credit is due

    there are alot more issues but not enough space to cover them all and most of us know the issues as each of us has a different issue concerns so place it right an make your votes count

    no point in closing the gate once the horse has bolted


    > > > > > > > > > > > >

  7. #7

    Re: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

    The only way to turn this "deal" around is by getting all the slack people (which there seems to be a bloody lot of) in the fishing and boating scene to get off their arses and help fight it over the next 18months.
    Anyone got any suggestions on how we get people to realise that we are going to.... and are already getting getting ####ed over.... BIG TIME unless we all rally together and make a LOT of noise??
    You know we asked a person to join us in the rally on Saturday and he said.... "Doesn't bother me I don't fish in the bay"..... what he doesn't understand is that it affects almost everywhere else he fishes offshore!!
    WE NEED TO GET A WAKE UP CALL TO EVERYONE !!! [smiley=helpa.gif]


  8. #8

    Re: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay


    That was the trade off for the Greens preferences on the Gaven by-election.

    BUT, it depends on how hard the UNITED group jumps up and down NOW as to whether or not the DEALS are inforced in full or in part.

    Everyone has the power to help.

    It is called voting and you can do something about it on Saturday.

    (a p!$$ed off one at that)

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

    No point turning a blind eye because they aren't after your patch. Once they have this 50% closed to fishing, they will turn their attention to other areas. The offshore fisherman aren't going to get much support if the bay fishos have already been forced to take up golf.

    At the Clontarf rally on Saturday, one of the speakers mentioned that one of the stated objectives of the AMCS is to have all fishing banned in Queensland by 2012..

    Does anyone recall where he got this information from?

  10. #10

    Re: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

    Get onto Gary Fooks mate , he'll probably know.

    (another pissed off one )

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member Adamy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

    Heres me sounding like a broken record..... If you want to do something, if you want to shout from the rooftop that Beattie is a liar and we need to send him a message - the best thing you can do (in the next few days) is help Shane hand out how to votes on Saturday - you'll get to talk to HEAPS of people and tell them direct - send Beattie a message!!.

    Please dont be confused - Shane wont get the votes without workers. We are still about 20 people short if we dont get the people then there will be no message sent.

    Approximately 20-25% of voters dont make up their mind until they are in the booth ( and 47.725% of statistic are made up )... the point is If we arent there to tell them to send Beattie a message - how will they know?? Most people think that a protest vote is voting for the Greens... we need to tell them - a protest vote is a protest vote - vote for Shane and really send Beattie a message.

    My Thanks to all those who have already committed their time! Lets go getem!


  12. #12

    Re: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

    This is my local Labor man's comment about the "deal" with the AMCS.

    I think I've started to annoy him.

    He answered very quickly too.


    ps Michael is my official name

    Hi Michael
    The governments position is clear and is contained in the Premier's statement I sent to you which included the following:

    “There is no plan by my Government to shut out recreational fishers from 50 per cent of Moreton Bay.

    “The Moreton Bay Marine Park zoning plan has to be reviewed after 10 years. The review is due in 2008, and hasn’t even started yet.

    “In the lead up to the recent rezoning of the Great Sandy Marine Park, a similar fear campaign was mounted and proved untrue. We guaranteed continued access for fishers - with 96 per cent of the Marine Park available to recreational fishers,” Mr Beattie said.

    “Labor knows how loved Moreton Bay is and we reassure fishers they will always be a part of this paradise on Brisbane’s doorstep.”

    The review starts in 2008 and the government does not pre-empt the results of the review nor take a position before a review commences. There have been no commitments to any group to pre-empt the review. This is simply a fear campaign.

    Best wishes


  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

    I am just gobsmacked that ANYBODY on this chatboard could vote for a labour candidate.......the biggest LIARS of all time.

    The review is only window dressing to make the conclusions fit the deal that has already been done.


  14. #14

    Re: Greens Secret Deal to Close Bay

    Hi all
    don't you just love that we will not be locked out of 50% of the bay it is the other 49% we have to worry about

    “There is no plan by my Government to shut out recreational fishers from 50 per cent of Moreton Bay.

    like i said in previous post the deals are done and the cat is out of the bag

    Heres me sounding like a broken record..... If you want to do something, if you want to shout from the rooftop that Beattie is a liar and we need to send him a message - the best thing you can do (in the next few days) is help Shane hand out how to votes on Saturday - you'll get to talk to HEAPS of people and tell them direct - send Beattie a message!!.

    Please dont be confused - Shane wont get the votes without workers. We are still about 20 people short if we dont get the people then there will be no message sent.

    as Adamy has stated Shane needs a hand sorry Shane but i was pre-book for that day weeks ahead or i would come over to give a hand so for those not doing anything please lend a hand


  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Journalist confirms Beattie Govt agreed to 30%

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Fooks
    i've just spoken to this stupid left wing green thing and she tells me that the government made a verbal commitment to them that they (the government) would follow the AMCS recommendations. She has nothing in writing only verbal commitments from meeting they have had with the government.

    Not much else I can do but it looks like the government is having two bob each way.

    Kind Regards[/i]
    thas bloody funny, but how true!!!! they should put a pic up of miss wheeler, in all the zones they want green. that would keep all fisherman away for sure!!!

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