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Thread: Bugger, Beatties back

  1. #31

    Re: Bugger, Beatties back

    Quote Originally Posted by hicksy
    Well said dicko!

    If it wasn't for the good work of unions we wouldn't have many of the great conditions we have today.

    Those same conditions that unions fought for are also enjoyed by the bosses and people that aren't members of a union.

    Pretty Un-australian riding off the backs of others hard work, reaping the benefits and not helping or contributing in any way.


    PS @$&%!! Joh he was a corrupt grub and no friend of any worker!!!!!!!
    Good to see that some people can see the real picture out there, yes the labour party are far from perfect, but do people really understand the consequences of workchoice legislation. Green Zones and closures are going to be the least of the problem when you can't afford to put fuel in your boat to even go fishing. As for the Health System, who provides the tertiary places at University for Doctors, The Federal Govenment. Its a bit hard to train doctors when all the placements and funding is provided by the Federal Govenment and Australian Medical Association. The same goes for our Main Roads infrastructure. The funding for main roads projects is predominately funded by the Federal Govenment. Part of recieving this funding is to comply by the new Australian Building and Construction Code. If a State Govenment does not believe in unfair Workplace Legislation being enforced in their state on their own jobs, it can be very difficult. In my opinion all Governments both Federal and State just play political handball and spin doctoring. It makes it very hard at voting time when the choices between party policy are close and the only thing seperating them is one party is on the side of big business and the other is protecting your rights at work.

    PS: As for Joh, he should just consider himself lucky that he did what he did back then, as in today's high tech world, he would surely been a victim in the Fitzgerald enquiry.

  2. #32

    Re: Bugger, Beatties back

    Point well taken guys!! Unions have indeed done a lot for the average worker... no arguments there...(from me). I think the point I would like to make is our lives are pretty crap!! We have some major problems socially, Oil prices are historically high, interest rates are on the increase, Health system is crap, IR laws are hurting people.. blah blah blah.... (dont want to get into any of these here)...

    The one thing we have is a great lifestyle.... And now that lifestyle is at risk... the greenies are trying to convert us all in to vegos and to do that they are waving the flag of protecting endangered species... yadda yadda...

    Besides my family, fishing is the only thing I do to get out and relax and enjoy myself... and I try and involve my family in that pastime as much as possible. Now they want to take that away from me as well??

    Sorry I can’t sit back and support any party, blue, green, red or purple who is going to do that to me. Yes I will support the various policies of the various parties which make sense - but those which try and take away my rights to fish in a place that I love, I will not support.

    So summing up I think that both sides of the fence have done some great things - However both sides of the political fence have done and are in the process of doing some terrible things which affect my and my family’s lifestyle. We don’t have very much but that which we do - we should protect.

    I commend those that are fighting the good fight for workers rights etc. But lets not accept every ideal and doctrine any party has - just because we support their agenda in one area. I think there is room to support a party’s platform on one issue and oppose their platform on other issues.

    This particular fight is not one about ideology (except that the greenies are fighting us - to impose their ideology on us) its about our right to have access to those areas which have traditionally been open and scientifically proven that we are not having a deleterious effect.

    Now that the emotion of the elections are behind us and there is no value in political point scoring - at least for a little while . What can we do to become a united force and present our views to both sides of the political fence??

  3. #33

    Re: Bugger, Beatties back

    You got it a nutshell Adam
    There has never been a political party until now that has tried to directly affect our lifestyle and family values, I don't see rec fisho's dictating to these other groups about how they should spend their leisure time.

    I don't know about you but I can only sip so much coffee at the coffee shop and as for golf well I would not know where to start. What is being forced upon us now is wrong. It seems that there is very little concern about how it is going to affect our lives I think the Governments really don't give a stuff even the huge compensation claims for business doesn't worry them. Maybe if they had to compensate all of us for the loss of value on our boats they might stop and think but I know as well as you , that will never happen!

    If the green zones come about in force like they want then you won't need to put any fuel in your boat because ther won't be anywhere to go, and no need to try to sell your boat either because The Trading Post will be loaded with bargains.....we are all in this together and together we must stay if we are to succeed.

  4. #34

    Re: Bugger, Beatties back

    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1980
    [quote author=hicksy link=1157797819/15#29 date=1157974728]Well said dicko!

    If it wasn't for the good work of unions we wouldn't have many of the great conditions we have today.

    Those same conditions that unions fought for are also enjoyed by the bosses and people that aren't members of a union.

    Pretty Un-australian riding off the backs of others hard work, reaping the benefits and not helping or contributing in any way.


    PS @$&%!! Joh he was a corrupt grub and no friend of any worker!!!!!!!
    Good to see that some people can see the real picture out there, yes the labour party are far from perfect, but do people really understand the consequences of workchoice legislation. Green Zones and closures are going to be the least of the problem when you can't afford to put fuel in your boat to even go fishing. As for the Health System, who provides the tertiary places at University for Doctors, The Federal Govenment. Its a bit hard to train doctors when all the placements and funding is provided by the Federal Govenment and Australian Medical Association. The same goes for our Main Roads infrastructure. The funding for main roads projects is predominately funded by the Federal Govenment. Part of recieving this funding is to comply by the new Australian Building and Construction Code. If a State Govenment does not believe in unfair Workplace Legislation being enforced in their state on their own jobs, it can be very difficult. In my opinion all Governments both Federal and State just play political handball and spin doctoring. It makes it very hard at voting time when the choices between party policy are close and the only thing seperating them is one party is on the side of big business and the other is protecting your rights at work.

    PS: As for Joh, he should just consider himself lucky that he did what he did back then, as in today's high tech world, he would surely been a victim in the Fitzgerald enquiry. [/quote]

    The workplace legislation has been the best thing for small business for years.
    Got rid of antiquated unfair dismissal laws and enabled negotiated packages for employees.
    Speaking from personal experience, within the building industry, employees earn more, and bosses dont have to put up with dead wood!
    Happy employees with a sence of ownership in the business and pride in job performance is the result!
    Unions had their place but now are now completely corrupt and irrelevant.

    And as for Joh...... His legacy is things got done. He was making decisions for the future before it was trendy. I for one dont care how contracts were awarded and to whom.... the dams were built, the power stations were built, the schools were built, the hospitals were built.
    Dont Blame me....... I voted for Johnny!

  5. #35

    Re: Bugger, Beatties back

    anyway.......................... I need to go fishin'
    Dont Blame me....... I voted for Johnny!

  6. #36

    Re: Bugger, Beatties back

    Oh well... there goes that!! tried to bring it back to fishing and the threat to our lifestyle... it just wont go... I think that we (as a group) we always find issues we differ on - but there must be at least one issue we can agree on and surely that must be that we want to retain our rights to fish!!

    What do you reckon?? Can we agree to disagree on the other stuff?

  7. #37

    Re: Bugger, Beatties back

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamy
    Oh well... there goes that!! tried to bring it back to fishing and the threat to our lifestyle... it just wont go... I think that we (as a group) we always find issues we differ on - but there must be at least one issue we can agree on and surely that must be that we want to retain our rights to fish!!

    What do you reckon?? Can we agree to disagree on the other stuff?

    Hopefully some common ground can be found, just don't give up the co-ordinates.

    Seriously though, you're correct Adam, all Moreton Bay users need to be on the same team for this game of politics. The message has to get out that partaking of the fishing experience is not a blood lust or blood sport. In fact it's a commonly advised practice for stress reduction and a damn fine family outing event.


  8. #38

    Re: Bugger, Beatties back

    The van,
    Why don't you tell the meatworkers at Cowra how good these new laws are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Un-bloody Australian

  9. #39

    Re: Bugger, Beatties back

    In fact it's a commonly advised practice for stress reduction and a damn fine family outing event.

    Steve Smiley
    Pretty damn fine Steve... pretty damn fine!! They better not take it away from us!

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