It has been a long process, but I am getting results. Not the results I would have hoped for, but at least I get responses and information from the Miriam Vale Shire Council about this problem.
I am unable to reproduce the report here due to copyright laws, but I will outline jist of it.
Council and EPA have conducted tests etc. The EPA had one fuel tank sealed off due to the leak. The EPA have injected a dye to attempt to track any further leakage.
What they have not done is stop the seepage or stop the operators from selling fuel from both tanks.
Here is MY response to the last corrospondence from the Council.
Thank you for your reply in regard to my enquiry about the ' seepage ' at the 1770 Marina.
I have read the report and would now like to clarify some points.
The report says the seepage appears to be diminishing, although it is expected to continue.
My question would be, why is there not something done about this seepage now. Some sort of containment must be installed to protect the localised environment against the Hydrocarbons that have been detected in this ' seepage ".
The report goes on to say that " One suspect tank was subsequently sealed off ". The operators are utilizing BOTH tanks.
I see many problems here. The Marina Operators are selling fuel from both tanks, one tank is leaking and the seepage continues. On the surface, nothing seems to have been done to stop the seepage. I acknowledge the work of the Council and the EPA, but more is needed to protect the foreshore and marine animals from the dangerous Hydrocarbons being filtered into the surrounding system. To simply offer a dye to track the leak is not good enough. The seepage must be stopped, or at the very minimum ' controlled and contained ".
Myself and the 1770 / Agnes Water community would like assurances from the Council that all commercial activity and development at the 1770 Marina site, has had stringent council approvals and all building applications and licences are in place.
Phill Kliese
The fight continues.
Cheers Phill