PETA (People of the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has spawned thousands of so called conservation organisations and have overrun many more. Its these vegan politics which are threatening our lifestyle, have closed many areas to fishing and have a firm grip over political organisations such as the Greens who in turn have an active influence over Government.
But who are they? Through websites such as (and many others) you will see their agenda, they believe that eating fish can do you harm - well I dont know if they actually believe that or if they are just saying it to stop us from eating meat. Founder Ingrid Newkirk boasts that her organisation attracts over $15million in private donations in the US alone, so they are well funded and resourced to fight our way of life.
But again who are they really?? Ingrid Newkirk - whilst proclaiming liberty for all animals and who was once quoted as saying that the world would be a much better place if humans were not in it, was once the director of the district of Columbia (in the US) high kill pound - she boasts the highest killing rate of any pound system in the US.
In her own words: "I'd go to work early, before anyone got there, and I would just kill the animals myself...I must have killed a thousand of them, sometimes dozens every day." Newkirk set up more killing zones as a part of PETA where they would kill many of the animals they "saved". They have huge freezers where animals are placed inside and are "put to sleep"... sounds like a human way to die? Well these animals came to the shelters because people wanted the save them and have them adopted out - so PETA kills them instead. This is no story - they have been featured on CNN.
You can get at least some of the story here: and more by doing a google search.
This is the same woman who said that McDonalds would stop serving meat in her lifetime....... very disturbing!!