Today, I listened to a podcast of a recent ABC Radio National "Counterpoint" program which featured an interview with Don Burke (the gardening expert and Chair, Australian Environment Foundation) and Dr Walter Starck (Marine biologist based in Townsville).
This was a stunning interview as both of these people agree that fishing is over-regulated in Australia, eg neither of them condone the Barrier Reef Marine park 30% ban on fishing.
It is worth either a listen or a read of the transcript available at
Some snippets from the transcript to encourage you to read/listen to the program...
Michael Duffy: I suspect most of our listeners would consider that Australia's fisheries are in a case of almost terminal decline. Would that be right?
Walter Starck: It's just exactly the opposite. We have the least fisheries in the world. Australia has the third largest exclusive economic zone in the world and it comprises about 6% of the global total and it produces about two-tenths of 1% of the fish catch. In fact, New Zealand has over twice the fishery catch of Australia and we're on a par with countries like Poland and Finland and Greece, countries like that catch about the same as Australia does. Countries like Thailand and Vietnam are catching anywhere from 15 to 20 times more than Australia. Our fisheries are largely untouched, with a few exceptions.
Walter Starck: A few years back there was a large, long-term survey done by the fisheries department in NSW on the Murray Basin, and they spent several years and made thousands of samples. During this they only took a very small number of Murray cod, I think it was half a dozen or a dozen or something, and they concluded that the Murray cod was virtually extinct in the areas in which they had surveyed. During that same period of time the recreational fishermen in the same general regions of the river took over 200,000 Murray cod, most of which were released because they were under size or whatever, but the recreational people got 200,000 while the biologists got half a dozen. So that's how far out of balance some of these things can be.
Don Burke: Well, it's certainly true in the fish one. Firstly, just let me say I support Walter in what he's saying there.