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Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP
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Thread: Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP

  1. #1

    Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP

    Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland

    26 September 2006

    Mr Phil Weightman
    PO Box 8144
    CLEVELAND Q 4163

    Dear Phil

    Firstly I would like to congratulate you on retaining the Cleveland seat on behalf of the Labor Party. I believe we all put up a good fight, and in true democratic tradition the majority have spoken – well done.

    I know that you and your family come from a keen fishing and boating background and now the people of Cleveland are looking to you to uphold the policies and promises made by you and your leader.

    Of particular interest to the fishing and boating community is the Lifestyle Policy which we are all keen to see how it will be implemented.

    During my campaign I noted that the Amity Point boat ramp is in significant disrepair and I would suggest that it would be a good place to start.

    I am also interested in the new fishing programs that are to be implemented for our kids whereby the kids will be “supplied with a rod, reel and tackle”. Sunfish, DPI, Education Qld and Local Councils already run programs where the children can “borrow” their equipment, but these new additional programs that provide the kids with their own equipment is of particular interest. Are these Clinics to be available to the community as a whole, or just to underprivileged, selected, invited and/or special interest groups? It is also good to see that the disabled are being offered an additional 6 fishing events to those already available. The pledges in the lifestyle policy coupled with existing programs should effectively double the availability fishing experiences for 8 to 15 year olds. I will be watching with interest as I support and sponsor some of these events personally through participation and donations.

    I have also included a bundle of 301 completed “Save Moreton Bay” postcards that need to be forwarded to the Premier to add to the ones he has already received. As his newly appointed local representative, I entrust them to you to ensure that he receives them in a timely and appropriate manner.
    I would have dropped them in personally, but every time I phone, your phone goes to message bank, and as I have been unable to contact you, I have not been able to ascertain the whereabouts of your office from records available to me.

    You should also know that it is common knowledge within the fishing community that you made a statement (at least 3 times) during the campaign that you would “resign” the Labor Party if the rumoured Green zoning of Amity Banks and the Southern Islands were to go ahead. On behalf of the community, I would hope that you never have to honour that statement.


    Shane Boese

    cc: Premier Beattie, PO Box 185 City East, Brisbane 4002

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP

    Over to you Phil,,,,,Phil,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PHIL, come on Phil wake up, you're at the wheel now, and we're watching how you drive!!!!

  3. #3

    Re: Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP

    Well, it is well and truly over to Mr Weightman MP. We will see what happens on three counts:

    1) Whether the 300 or so "Save Moreton Bay" postcards make it past his office's wheelie bin - it is not the done thing in the labor party to rock the boat - you know.

    2) Whether he replies on the positive to the Lifestyle Policy matter - now they're elected - it is the time to brake the promises and/or bend the truth; and

    3) While I am on the subject of broken promises - don't expect him to resign when they close off significant portions of Moreton Bay, remember he is a politician know and lying is sanctioned by his party (refer to the changing of the laws re: misleading statements to parlimentary committees/parliment - which of course means the community as a whole.

    Still, I should give the man a chance and if he proves good to his word I will be the first to say I was wrong and apologise in this forum - and, unlike the labor party, I believe that it is wrong to lie and I don't intend to start now. Good morals should be protected in my book, and although I am far from being a saint, I try to live my life and call thems the way I see them and stand by what I say - like most of you out there.


    Live every day as if it's your last - for one day you're sure to be right!

  4. #4

    Re: Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP

    Quote Originally Posted by Hornblower
    Well, it is well and truly over to Mr Weightman MP. We will see what happens on three counts:

    1) Whether the 300 or so "Save Moreton Bay" postcards make it past his office's wheelie bin - it is not the done thing in the labor party to rock the boat - you know.

    2) Whether he replies on the positive to the Lifestyle Policy matter - now they're elected - it is the time to brake the promises and/or bend the truth; and

    3) While I am on the subject of broken promises - don't expect him to resign when they close off significant portions of Moreton Bay, remember he is a politician know and lying is sanctioned by his party (refer to the changing of the laws re: misleading statements to parlimentary committees/parliment - which of course means the community as a whole.

    Still, I should give the man a chance and if he proves good to his word I will be the first to say I was wrong and apologise in this forum - and, unlike the labor party, I believe that it is wrong to lie and I don't intend to start now. Good morals should be protected in my book, and although I am far from being a saint, I try to live my life and call thems the way I see them and stand by what I say - like most of you out there.

    Re: The Post Cards - I did consider that option, that is why not only did I forward a copy of the letter to the Premier himself, I also registered the parcel so that Mr Weightman has to sign for receipt. That way there is no denying its existance.

    Re: Mr Weightman's morals - I am hoping that during his time in the police force, he was a good cop and as such his integrity would be extremely valuable to him.

    As you say, his responses will be interesting, and this letter is a test to see how he performs.

  5. #5

    Re: Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP

    Well done Shane "Keep the Ba$tard$ Honest" We just can't let the action started fade away.

    Peter & Janine

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP

    Quote Originally Posted by Great White
    Well done Shane "Keep the Ba$tard$ Honest" We just can't let the action started fade away.

    Peter & Janine
    I second that! Well done indeed!

    Take Care T
    home is where the loan is...
    Helping people get the RIGHT Home Loan

  7. #7

    Re: Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP

    yeah take that mr weightman. Good work on that one shane

    As weightman stated "I have been a coppa for 27 years and i dont lie, if the go slow zones get turned into green zones i will quit my job with the lobour party and will promote the fishing party!! "

    Maybe mr weightman should have thought about what he was saying as they may have been said at a heat of the moment thing, But now its "too bad so sad"because he has said it and
    "he doesn't lie" so he has to deal with it.

    That'll be the day he will express few of these one's and also a couple of as well, and we as fisherman will be doing these numbers > > > >

    Any way, keep up the good work shane, it'll pay off in time!!!

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP

    Of course, if the areas mentioned in this post are declared NO GO, RED ZONES ... Mr Weightman may put his hand on his heart and say "I said I'd resign the Labor Party if those areas were declarerd GREEN Zones. They have been made red zones and therefore, my promise has been kept."

    I seem to remember another politician having core and non core promises and, more recently, another saying in a TV interview that he was only thinking of holding an election and one had not yet been planned ... when, in fact, we all received a letter in the mail the very next day, telling us that an election had been called for three weeks time. Maybe the drafting, printing, posting etc was being done without that leaders knowledge or they have a very, very fast system to get these things done!!
    When it comes to politicians, I just hope that Mr Weightman proves to be an exception to the rule, and actually has some of that very, very rare comodity called ... INTEGRITY.


  9. #9

    Re: Letter to Mr Phil Weightman MP Cleveland ALP

    Remember fellow ausfishers - this man is a member of a party that legalized lying to parlimentary committees and parliment - which equates to lying to you and me - no difference.

    You would think if his integrity were that important to him that he would not be a part of legalized liars organisation - but then again - he is a politician now, isn't he. Itegrity is just a word to these people and to him

    Live every day as if it's your last - for one day you're sure to be right!

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