A very simplistic argument based on typical gloom and doom green sentiment and not on facts. People will strip the planet in five years? We have been hearing this scenario since the 1960's. Agriculture has no trouble keeping up with our food needs. A lot of environmental indicators are better than ever, eg air and water quality around our major cities. All due to technical advances made possible by robust economic growth.
As to illegal fishing from the north. Why do you think they are coming down here? Because we have a fisheries resource we are hardly using. Australia imports 70% of its fish. New Zealand has twice the fishery we have. We are on par with small countries like Greece and Finland.
Don't you know that world population growth is leveling off? And our population is growing very slowly. Did you think that Australia is overpopulated with just 20 million occupying a whole continent?
You talk about growth, money, greed and say you want the opposite. So you want economic stagnation and unemployment? The latter often brings the worst outcomes for the environment. Look at Robert Mugawais Zimbabwe, the game animals are being plundered for meat because the economy including agriculture has slumped.