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Thread: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

  1. #1

    Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

    Guys - Help!

    We need to each get 10 mates to send an email of support.

    The anti fishing lobby is attacking Channel 9’s Gold Coast news for showing fishing reports. They will get hundreds of complaints – these Vegans are that well organized.
    We need to respond with thousands of support emails to neutralize the vegans.
    Maybe you would like to send something like this.

    Dear Channel nine

    I am sorry to see you are under attack from extremists for showing fishing reports. I love fishing and so do a lot more people who don’t normally protest like these extremists.
    You have my support and my thanks for showing fishing that we all love.

    The Federal government reports say that 25% of all Queenslander go fishing at least once a year. The group protesting against you is run by just two people.

    Gary Fooks

    Who IS QGAR?
    This is a Vegan group based in Brisbane. It seems that there are only two people behind it. They get free office facilities courtesy of the tax payer in Senator Andrew Bartlett’s Office ( Democrats Qld)

    Vegan’s want to see world vegetarianism. And no more pets ( that’s slavery) and no more animal products ( so no insulin for diabetics)

    From the Queensland Group for Animal Rights:
    Action - Gold Coast news (Au) - nightly celebration of fishing charter kills
    Each night on Channel Nine's Gold Coast News, they have a segment about 5 minutes long celebrating Charter fishing boats and the fish they have killed. The customers on the charter boats hold up these poor fish they have killed.
    Gold Coast news deny they are being sponsored by these fishing charters. They also deny it is an advertisement for these fishing charters as well despite the fact they announce their name & show images of the charter boats logos. Gold Coast news even deny they have this segment each night and deny its a celebration of killing fish as entertainment.
    Contact Gold Coast News:
    goldcoastnews (at sign)
    Express your disappointment and express the offensiveness of these daily fishing segments. Suggest they show entertainment which is not celebrating killing of innocent sentient beings and which is not advertising those who profit from it.

  2. #2

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help neede

    Hi Gary
    do not know if all you guy's read Saturday's courier mail along with the Vegans attacking we also have the bloody pommey think tank demanding more closures of our reefs and bays sorry can not place it on board the wife through the papers out

    sorry guys to who ever is a pom on board

    idea guy's invite some onboard for a one way boat trip 50n/m out will do and see if they can swim


  3. #3

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed


    yep we did see that - thanks

    But - more to the point Have you sent an email of support to channel Nine?

    .. and got 10 mates to do so too?

    To all- please dont whinge here - send an email and report back here what you have done.

    with thanks

  4. #4

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

    Morning Gary
    i will send one to ch 9 in support of fishing will post what i send tonight


  5. #5

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report  - Help n

    Sent and E-mail off and got a quick reply saying "Thanks for your Email and support we will continue to show our fishing reports"

  6. #6

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report  - Help n

    This is what I sent..... Let you know when I have a response.


    Dear Channel nine

    I have just become aware that you are under attack from vegan extremists who are demanding that you shut down your fishing reports section, I am very sorry to hear this. I love fishing and I know many people do, in fact the ABS shows that fishing is Australia's most popular recreational sport. I would rather Channel 9 show more fishing related shows and reports than less. In fact I would ask that your station consider replaying the fishing segment on the Brisbane news, it would make a great difference to those like myself who travel from Brisbane to fish the coast

    I hope you do not pander to those who may be in the vocal minority. If they choose a lifestyle, then thats fine for them, we should not have to adopt that lifestyle choice just because they have decided that we are in the wrong.

    You have my full support, thank you for showing the fishing segment that most of us love.

    Thank you,


  7. #7

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report  - Help n

    Yup quick response alright... heres mine:

    "Thanks for your email and support Adam, we will continue to show the fishing segment on Thursday and Friday nights with responsible reporting".


    (Name removed) Bureau Manager / Chief Of Staff

    As long as "responsible reporting" isnt removal of fish pics - then I'm happy

  8. #8

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

    Email sent. Same reply as Adam within minutes.

  9. #9

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

    sent my email and got a reply also.

    Well done Gary for getting onto this. Gotta stamp out this sort of nonsense as soon as it appears and before it can get a foothold.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  10. #10

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

    Following is a copy of the email I sent to GC9 News

    Dear Sir/Madam

    It has been brought to my attention that the Gold Coast Channel Nine News has come under attack from a Vegan Group called QGAR for presenting a fishing report.

    I would like to take this opportunity to publicly support the service provided by the Gold Coast News by presenting the fishing report with local content and expertise.
    I hope that this extremist conservation group does not affect or impede your ability to continue to provide this valuable community service.

    I have taken the liberty of having a look at their website, and there views are definitely NOT mainstream.

    Fishing is a universal pastime that can be enjoyed by all - no matter who you are, how old you are, or what your occupation is.

    Shane Boese
    The Fishing Party QLD Brisbane South
    07 33487288

  11. #11

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

    Dear Channel Nine

    I am sorry to hear thar you are under attack from extremists for showing the fishing report
    as a fisherman i look forward to your reports i hope this group will not effect you in any way
    and the reports will keep coming it is sad that these groups have to push there belief on others


    Thanks for your email and support Russell, we have no intention to stop our fishing report and will continue to show the fishing segment on Thursday and Friday nights with responsible reporting.


    / Chief Of Staff

    There will be days when the fishing is better than one's most optimistic forecast, others when it is far worse. Either is a gain over just staying home.

  12. #12

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

    I just sent my e-mail.


  13. #13

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

    email sent


  14. #14

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

    Hi all
    have just sent mind heres a copy

    Dear Channel nine

    I have just become aware that you are under attack from vegan extremists, a Vegan faction called QGAR for presenting a fishing report who are demanding that you shut down your fishing reports section, Fishing is a worldwide pastime that can be enjoyed by all, no matter who you are, how old you are, or what your back ground is.

    I am very unhappy to hear this. I love fishing and I know many people do, I hope you do not pander to those who may be in the verbal minority. In fact the ABS shows that fishing is Australia's most popular recreational sport. You have my full support, thank you for showing the fishing segment that most of us love.
    I hope this faction will not effect you in any way and the reports will keep coming it is miserable that these groups have to thrust their belief’s on others. If they choose a standard of living, then that’s fine for them, we should not have to adopt that existence choice just because they have determined that we are in the wrong. I hope that this radical conservation group does not impinge on, or obstruct your ability to continue to provide this valuable community service.

    As a fisherman I look forward to your reports

    Kind Regard

    P.S here's the reply
    Thanks for your email and support, we have had hundreds of emails of support and as always we will continue to show the fishing segment on Thursday and Friday nights with responsible reporting.


  15. #15

    Re: Vegans attacking Fishing report - Help needed

    E-mail sent .Thanks to bring it to our attention.i didnt claim to the top of the foodchain to eat tofu
    At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
    his story ready to tell,
    St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
    Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'

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