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here's a question,,, please think,, then answer
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Thread: here's a question,,, please think,, then answer

  1. #1

    here's a question,,, please think,, then answer

    i had a mate call into work today,,, had a chat,, and asked how things were going etc etc etc,,,,

    when i asked him what was new he responded by saying,,,,

    """ well you know edit,,,hasn't he gone out on a limb,,,

    it seems that he has gotten that ##4$$ off with the local community using his favorite spot to wet a line,,, and leaving behind A TON OF GARBAGE to walk through or over each time he ventures there,,, he has placed an offer into his local council to take over A 10 HECTARE AREA of this place at a cost that he is willing to pay upfront and caretake it,,,

    AT NO COST TO COUNCIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    jim has always whinged and complained about the amount of litter,,,, glass,,,,fires left burning,,,and bait packets that he picks up religiously from his favourite haunt,,,

    i must add,,, this possie is not closed to public,,,, but as such no great numbers go there,,,, its a dirt track off a main arterery road that only a small number use (or abuse),,, that leads into a part of the waterway that offers good fishing

    the council supply a bin,,,(44 gallon drum,,tethered to 2 posts),,,and a rough (very rough) boat ramp,, and access via car,,,4b,,, or easy walk,,, and it has been there for years,,,,

    for those of you who know the old choppa,,,,,,,,,does this spot ring a bell??????????

    jim wants to close access,,,,,,,and have my secret spot x (no 1 ),,, to him bloody self,,,,,,,,,,

    and you know what????????????

    he's got my 800% backing,,,,,,

    the $$ that he is apparently putting up is big,,,(council has to say

    and he will not apparently close it off 100%,,,, but will allow access during """""""caretaking"""""" hours

    bastard,,,,i get 1 day a week off

    i hope all goes well,,, and if you think about it,,,,here's a bloke who has put up with enough crap,,, picked up to much of other idiots mess,,, and has done what i'm now good at,,,,,changed ATTITUDE

    makes you think hey,,,,

    in hindsight,,,council can say NO,,,,,and close it off indefinitely to traffic,,,,,then we have to walk in,,,,we cant lose,,,,,,,

    i'm heading of to secret spot 2,,,,right now,,,,,,,hopefully have a report tomorow


    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  2. #2

    Re: here's a question,,, please think,, then answe

    what a good idea...people leave mess down my beach all the time and i am always picking it up.iam off to maroochy council with my cheque book and buy my own beach

  3. #3

    Re: here's a question,,, please think,, then answe

    now rick,,,,thats the spirit,,,,

    but don't be scynical,,,, people in sydney own parts of the beach frontage,,, as per perth,,,adelaide,,,melbourne,,,darwin,,,(but you don't see those quaint little sheds in brissie,,,,do you???????)

    and by going by what that lands worth now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,who's laughing,,

    as per normal,,, the choppa is placing a room for thought,,, can you imagine if you went to launch your boat from the local ramp,,,,,,or went to fish your favorite landbased spot,,,,,

    only to find a sign saying,,,,,,, OPEN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF----------------------

    now this has to ring a bell or two,,,just check the posts in this forum,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    if we all have a good hard look at what we do spontaniously,, and if we aren't immediately effected by it,,, we don't care

    but change the rules,,,, and 99% of us blame someone else,, as it's there fault,,,, (((they done this or that to create the change))))

    it makes you wonder,,,(well me anyway),,, on who THEY blame,,,,,,

    [move]as the post heading says,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,[/move]
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: here's a question,,, please think,, then answe

    Hi Choppa,

    Pretty sure we are not talking of same area, but in one
    instance a property owner adjoining a public fishing area,
    was continually complaining to local council about having to clean
    up after campers. Note this area is fairly remote in shire and is
    flat out ever having more than half a dozen camp sites at a time.
    and is usually only ever used during school holidays.
    As a result of continually whinging, council put rubbish removal
    from this area, up for public tender, guess who now gets paid
    to supposedly clean up this area. But anyway at least it shut him up.

    cheers Mick

  5. #5

    Re: here's a question,,, please think,, then answe

    mick,,, your starting to see my point here,,,,,,

    another part of that response was the fellow who allowed council to post a ""public access"" to part of his land to enable boat launches/retrieval,,, as the make up of the river did not allow it within a cooee of his site,,,,

    dpi&f used this """"ramp""" to police the upper reaches of the river to stop illegal netters

    8 months later,,,,,,,,the owner places a ""compliance compliant""" that the general public were creating to much damage to his land

    the council agreed his complaint was valid,,,, and withdrew access to all,,,

    the owner has since been the main target (3 convictions to date) of the main ""illegal netter""

    but has only been caught whilst in transit,,,,,,,,,,,chopjr has more coins in his moneybox than what this bloke has been fined,,,

    now if i bought his land,,, applied for a grant or two,,,,,,,,,,
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  6. #6

    Re: here's a question,,, please think,, then answe

    I just bought nudgee beach and all of the beach round wello point.........cost ya a hunji to use my ramps.....

    oh yeah i also bought Kirra.......... if the councils wont do it, why not private enterprise?


  7. #7

    Re: here's a question,,, please think,, then answe

    sounds stupid i know mike,,,, but guess what,,,

    unbeknown to me,,,,this is not new,,,its happening right now,,

    on the latest,,, the submission quoted the closure of the HOLLANDS LANDING area of southern VIC,, to a regular who approached council over the same issues,,,, (i use to fish there in my younger days)

    gates and boundary restrictions licences have been applied for and passed in council in over 13 shires in QUEENSLAND,,

    10 in NSW

    7 in VIC

    2 in SA,,,,By the same licensee as 3 in VIC

    0 in WA

    0 in NT

    AND 18 IN ACT,,,

    all come at a cost to the opetator,,,but they regulate the area,,,AT NO COST TO THE COUNCIL

    just think about 10 - 15 years back,,, all TIPS and WASTE areas were council,,, now 99% are licenced,,, they open when they wish,,, they place the the rules on where and what we dump,,, christ we can't even scavange anything,,, without getting caught,,,,thats how they make a living,,

    (now think here,,,,,we were first charged a fee to dump,,, then council's brought in a NO FEE regulation,, so then the above applied)

    people who hold access rights to ""public domain"" hold much the same rights,, the council love it,,,they get an injection of $ with no further ""out of pocket"" expense,, and if it does't work,, don't renew the licence

    the council is in a WIN/WIN situation

    all of the above licence details are fact,,,as per 2005 december,,,,,,,its now ????

    just makes me wonder
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  8. #8

    Re: here's a question,,, please think,, then answe

    'tis a shame when the pendulum swings, and yet it does.
    You say fish, I say yes please.

  9. #9

    Re: here's a question,,, please think,, then answe

    Oh stop bitching and fish some were else.
    Sorry! I didnt think

    signed tunaman

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