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Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening? - Page 8
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Thread: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

  1. #106
    Ausfish Platinum Member Adamy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by tunaman
    Why cant we hook up our boats , and pick up every fisherman we can find, and block a complete hi way for as far as the eye can see. Can this be done, or Iam I off the track, and should stay out of , what dont understand. I wont take any offence to your replys.
    Surely they cant shut down every fishing spot, they,ed be cutting their
    own necks. If they make it so, and people start walking away from
    fishing, a lot of people will be out of bizness, they must see that.

    Tunaman... are you starting to come around? or is someone else posting in your name? Its just that you are starting to make sense... I like it Welcome to "the fight"! Now I cant say too much right now.... just keep the date Sept 2nd open... I think you will like what we have planned!! We can all do our bit... and this will be your opportunity.

  2. #107

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?


    Please forgive my ignorance if I have missed something, but exactly where does Adam stand with the Fishing Party? In a recent thread I read where you said that only you (the chair), could post on behalf of the Party. I'm not knocking Adam's comments, nor his enthusiasm, but I just wonder where his position in the party sits. He has posted a lot about TFPQ recently. Adam, this is not intended to be a slur in any way against you, I am simply trying to clarify things.

    Thank you


  3. #108

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    No its me. sorry for clowning around in the past, Ill pull up, and in stead of
    sitting on the fence, Ill be a little more usefull, and blocking the highway,
    I think convoy would fo been a better word.Thanks. I think this will
    work, and your right, we will be votes driving past, and the more noise
    us fisho,s make, the more they will take notice, but like a lot of us, Iam
    only one drop in the ocean, and the pain of it all, I see very well.
    [In the past I have let other people on this site, this will not happen--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    again]. But getting everyone off their bottem,s is going to be very hard,
    and this is one of the reason, for not being serious, and with all the
    stressfull post I read when I first came on, I thought a couple jokes
    would help. BUt the fishing life that I love, I take that very seriously.

    signed tunaman

  4. #109

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    This is to you Adam

    In your other thread about a PB and Premier Pete, I posted and you asked for the serious stuff to be posted here in the News section. Well here it is mate. How could you, with a possibly once in a lifetime opportunity to get up close and personal with the Premier and the Deputy Premier, forget, or not choose, to ask of their intentions of the Bay? You stated that there was no media present, yet footage was on the news last night. You imply that you knew they'd be there and you said " That's why I went down there". How did you know that? How did you manage to coincide your being there with their arrival? How could you possibly not ask them the entire breathings of this thread? If I sound sussy of you Adam then I apologise, but you've certainly lost me.


  5. #110
    Ausfish Platinum Member Adamy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    Tunaman... Welcome aboard mate

    Dave.... Hmmm dunno what to say to you... yep I'm a labor party spy... I'm gutless and I dont really mean what I say - I just like posting stuff for the hell of it to stir people up. Ummm and yeh... I knew they be there.... and timed my fishin trip just perfectly to pull my boat out of the water in time for the media circus... actually no thats not true - the whole thing was a lie... never went fishing - photo of my son was a photoshop deal - lied about meeting T1 there and yeh pretty much made the whole thing up - just to get a few laughs in the reports section. efven dressed in my daggiest fishing clothes... just for a laugh haha... what a cad I am!

    The rest of this post has been self modified (deleted) in order to avoid detraction from the valuable message of this thread, that is saving our rights to access the bay for fishing. I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.


  6. #111

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    Have kept my trap closed until now but here goes.
    I think we have two issues here. The election firstly, and management of the marine park secondly.
    Those of you who will vote Labor no matter what and can't post unbiased comments are not able to offer much here. The same goes for anyone who is anti labor.
    This is about fishing and what is best for fishermen.

    Personally I won't vote labor because of electricity, water, health, transport and marine closures of the bay. That may change next election. Just my opinion.
    A vote for non labor this election would help TFPQ down the track and we must look beyond 5 - 10 years.

    As Far as management of the bay goes, decisions must not only be based on scientific research, but it must be sound. Lets not forget that the GBR closures were based on 'Scientific research'.

    In my opinion this can only be done through growth, number and reproduction rate surveys. Until these results are in, nobody should be talking closures, rollbacks or selective fishing.

    If a change was to be made in the short term, (prior to conclusive results in the above areas) it would be to increase size limits to get a couple more breeding seasons in on target fish.

    I also believe we need a united representative body of recs, clubs and pro's.
    This body could be invovled with the government in the implementation of management rules regarding areas like the bay. This body could be part of a tagging program in the bay that could give us the desired results in a couple of years. For example, imagine 80% of squire that ausfish members have returned to the bay in the last 12 months had tags. It would number in the thousands.

    There is no TFPQ backed rep in my electorate, so I can't vote for somebody like Shane. However I feel that a vote for labour will garauntee a bay closure of some sort.

    All just my opinion. Lets try and stick together on this guys, and not lose sight of common goals.

  7. #112
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    Here-Here, well said flick.

  8. #113

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    Quote from Adamy
    "Dave... yep - thats why I went down there - I thought it was going to be a media event - but all the cameras were inhouse - no media (reporters) -so no use. Anyway I know what the trite answer is..... The Beattie Govt will guarantee rec fishos access to the bay.... (yeh but which parts?) So it would have been a waste of breath... anyway lets save this sort of serious chat for the news section... "

    Ok Adam I have no desire in trying to turn this into a shitfight so I will say my last piece to you and but out. You implied that you knew they'd be there when you said "That's why I went down there". (see quote from your own post above). I still don't understand why you feel a media circus has to be present before you'd ask a downright civil question about the bay. You chose not to, that's your call. I would have thought any of us would have asked that question if any of us were presented with your opportunity. Like I said, you've lost me.


  9. #114

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    This thread has had its own legs and I have been basically keeping my over opinionated a^%$ out of it until...Flick...mate...& I note the "" made it tongue in cheek...Lets not forget that the GBR closures were based on 'Scientific research'.

    Here is a little "snip" for anyone watching who thinks we are "guilding the Lily".

    The definative research document on the GBR fishery is "Technical report 52. Reef CRC. Long terms effects of Line Fishing on the Great Barrier Reef".


    "It is important to note the status of coral trout populations in areas open to fishing remain relatively robust under all the stratagies we consider"


    "Density on these 3 reefs has fluctuated over the years but has shown no downward trend as might be expected if coral trout were being consistantly overfished"


    In Cairns section, counts were made on twelve reefs in 1983 (Ayling & Ayling 1986) and again in 1991(Mapstone & Ayling unpublished data). Common coral trout density increased over this period"

    & & & & &. so on and so forth

    The science actually refutes any claims of overfishing...yet these di*&^%heads persist in saying the reef was closed for science based reasons and the sky was falling.

    The GBR closures were all about politics and so will the closures of Moreton Bay.....NOTHING to do with the environment and EVERYTHING to do with the preference deals which will keep politicians in power.

    Never think science will save your rights to access the Bay...ONLY political will will.

    (will there is a line that I though could never be used correctly in the English langauge)


  10. #115

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    Ill say it well put kc

    scientific research sustainable fishing ? more like political pragmatic propaganda

    I put a post up in news called Coasts and oceans publications it has a link to all fishery reports just scroll down its on page two Commonwealth fishery reports

    There will be days when the fishing is better than one's most optimistic forecast, others when it is far worse. Either is a gain over just staying home.

  11. #116
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?


    Were going through the same thing here in NSW. An anomous greens inspired report "Empty Oceans - Empty Nets" was given wide publicity here a while back and its validity was not questioned by the media. The grim picture it painted of our fish stock was used by the liars and chareletons of the green movement in their push for marine parks.

    A scientific review of this document from the prestigious University of British Columbia has become available (ie was leaked!). It was scathing of the report. The UBC found it to be so deceptive and flawed that they recommended it should not be used or quoted. Do you think we can get the UBC report published in the media? No luck so far. Journos' contacted who published the original greens report say its now 'yesterdays news'.

    Also the UBC report does not recommend large scale sanctuary zones as a management tool for NSW fisheries.

  12. #117

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    Bill fisher can you send me that stuff or any links

    One thing we expect to happen after the election (subject to how much impact we have) is the mainstream media will come "looking to see what all the fuss is about"....the more ammo we have the better.

    TFPQ is well briefed on GBR issues and the political deals which were behind then but really does not have any expertise outside QLD.

    & for Reel Nauti.....and your "relationship" with Adam.

    My reading of what you both post is much of it is factual, much of it tinged with humour and really your both on the same side...rec fishing!!

    Adam has offered his not insignificant political experience to help TFPQ through this election. It is a big job with way too few people actually prepared to help, while plenty of people are happy to backslap, or just sit on the fence throwing hand grenades.

    Adam does not speak on behalf of TFPQ. Generally only the Chairman does and this role is expanded to include candidates, PR companies and candidate management during an election.
    99% of what goes out still comes past my desk for approval but just running in 4 seats is a monster of a job.

    Bear with us please if we make the occassional stuff up. We are all volunteers, all doing this because we believe in the cause and all doing it because we want our futures to still have a connection to our past.

    It has come to mind of late that the Environmental Lobby want our National Parks and Marine Parks to actually be zoos, not parks. Fence them up, lock out the evil humans and lets all stand outside and look in.

    We prefer that they are Parks. OUR parks. Playgrounds belonging to us all to use, enjoy and look after..

    Maybe this is the fundamental difference.


  13. #118

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    Hi Kevin I have no huge problem with Adam. He clearly doesn't like to be questioned and so I will not continue this on the thread. I will respond to his somewhat longwinded PM which he has sent me and leave it at that.



  14. #119
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?

    The comment," think before you cast your vote", has a special place in shaping the future of this country. I love my fishing. And I would fish every inch of the day if I could. I fish for enjoyment as I hope we all do.
    However, I have children and grandchildren, and a vote for the Lib/ Nats is a vote for the WorkChoice legislation that has already had a huge impact on those who can least afford to suffer. Sure, fight the good fight, protest, write to people who are in a position of influence, raise awareness
    in the local paper, but don't cut your nose off to spite your face. Make no mistake, a state Lib/Nat government will walk in the footsteps of bigbrother and industry. If you honestly believe that your fishing will be better served by a change of government in QLD., thats one thing. But the future for my grandkids ranks light years ahead of the fishing that I enjoy very much.
    Don't get sucked into any smoke screens, sort out the charf from the hay before you make a decision where your best value for money is when you cast your all important vote.
    All minor parties who will never govern in their own right, will pace their preferences with there grass roots. At the day the greenies, fishing party, domocrats,family first ect., will lobby for, and distribute there votes,perhaps your votes somewhere. Who knows exactly where?
    Thank to Hicksy for touching a cord with his comments earlier in the discussion.


  15. #120
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Moreton Bay Closures - what's happening?


    You will find the UBC report on the ecofishers website as well as a lot of other scientific rebutal of the greens claims.

    Ecofishers have proclaimed the offer of an olive branch to the greens. They have posted in full the Empty Oceans - Empty Nets report on their site. They have sent the UBC report to the National Parks Association and pointed out it would only be fair that they post the UBC report alonside the empty oceans report!

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