As a tree grows some leaves will fall & so it is, after the great efforts and personal sacrifices Shane Boese has made in raising the TFPQ profile in Brisbane he has resigned his position as chair of the South Brisbane branch and from the executive of TFPQ
To ensure the air is clear on what we believe are reasons behind Shane’s departure it came down to a few major issues, on which we did not all agree in regards the direction and internal constraints of the party structure.
The organization has only one authorised spokesperson and this is the elected chairman.
This is no different from any political party (where only the leader speaks or the Ministers speak within their portfolio: they call it "Party discipline") or large company where a single spokesperson is usually appointed.
While no doubt this rule at times limits our ability to react to opportunities it also protects the party and party executive from potential legal and litigation issues. Many things are “whispered in our ears” in the hope TFPQ will make them public but nothing can be done without checking our facts and undertaking risk/benefit analysis. While I know this has been a sticking point with Shane, particularly given his eagerness to drive local issues, until the party has the where-with-all to provide insurance protection to its executive this will remain a constraint which limits the autonomy of individuals and branch executives.
That preselections are undertaken by a selection committee made up of a minimum of 3 members of the elected executive.
It is to be expected that political parties attract people with political ambition. This is healthy. The higher our profile, the more people with these types of aspirations will come on board. We do however have a due process to follow in regards pre-selection for all and any candidates and ultimately any person selected should be the best person possible to represent the organization in the very public forum of an election campaign. This would include a very high level of written and verbal communication skills, public relations and people management skills, media ability and broadest possible knowledge of both recreational fishing and the political system. In the next senate election when we will have a far higher profile than the last time around TFPQ will be under close scrutiny and will need the best possible senate candidates. We will be calling to nominations early in the New Year. Our next newsletter will be a hard copy mailout to all members (a $1000 exercise) rather than an email version so every party member has opportunity for involvement.
Perhaps more is expected of the party and its unpaid executive than we are able to deliver. Communication or the lack of is the bugbear of many organisations and we are not alone in this regard. As we have grown we have become better at getting our message out with magazine articles, newsletters and more radio time. I need to personally accept responsibility for delays on some occassions but priorities in regards both business life and TFPQ issues are always a balancing act and issues to which we devote resources are ultimately determined and action taken in what we believe to be the best interests of recreational fishing. This does not mean we get it right all the time but we have had, and will continue to have, a major impact on the political will of Government as a result of what we have done & will continue to do.
We have a membership of some 1200 but a workforce of very few. In time, as we contest further elections and can further demonstrate to both rec fishers and the industries we support, the benefits of political representation, we can grow to employ an executive officer and support staff but at this stage we are just 3 years into a process which will take at least another election next year to really make our mark.
The AGM of the party endorsed both the direction and personnel involved in driving the organization forward till the next AGM in 2007 and if changes are needed, then this will be the time they are made.
In the interim Adam Young has agreed to take on board the chairman’s role at Brisbane South and could use some help.
Branches feed information, local issues and political opportunities back to the party and their ultimate responsibility is the organization of booth workers and vote maximisation come Election Day. The party, in turn provides logistical and more importantly financial support to branches if they actually run candidates, as we did in Cleveland, Towsville, Cairns & Barron River. The next Federal Senate election will provide a chance for TFPQ to have a major impact on the political decision making of the major parties. If we post a number of real significance the Government will no longer ignore the “Fishing Vote” and we can stop the erosion of our rights.
I am happy to field comment, answer questions and take on board advice as to how we can do things better. What should preface this however is the clear understanding that this is a voluntary organization made up of people who all work for a living as well as devote time and energy to the cause.
Next Thursday a major announcement will be made regarding some changes to fisheries laws and these are a direct result of TFPQ efforts and behind the scenes involvement with Government. This will be a very clear demonstration of what can be achieved through political means as opposed to lobbying.
Kevin Collins