Pinhead. I think theres a little more fact around than just specaultion and yes, you dont need a degree, but to say the world is fine, well I dont know about that. But I dont sit here and shit my self about, but I do find it all very interesting.
Why dont you tell me in one hundred or less words of how fine the planet really is. Tell me how good things are going to be in the years to come. I think you might find it hard for somewhere to start. And like I said befour, these down sides wont happen in our life time, and live every second I will, you can count on that. But who said it will be a natrual ending for the life on earth. All it takes is one idiot to press the button, and that could be sooner than you think.
Madmix. What Iam trying to say is, that the people of the world will and are breeding with all races, and in time we will be all one. And as for
making the worlds population smaller, slow down on breeding, let the death rate over ride the birth rate.
signed tunaman