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Have A Good Think About The Next Election
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Thread: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    Heads up guys - preliminary figures indicate that the NSW Greens are almost positive to win another seat in the NSW governments Upper House, if not two!!!

    If they do, they will hold the balance of power in the Legislative Council (the NSW parliaments house of legislative review).,.... that is unless we are able to put another shooter into government to stand beside John Tingle's replacement in The Shooters Party (TSP), Robert Brown MLC.

    The consequences of the Greens weilding power will be disasterous to anyone wishing to access public lands, as well as recreational fishermen and shooters - not to mention the man on the land. Top amongst their hare brained ideas, the Greens have stated that they wish to put lockouts on National Parks for 4WD'ers and lockouts for recreational fishermen thru implimentation and expansion of Marine National Parks. Furthermore they would like to remove ALL firearms from ligitimate sporting shooters!!!!

    Their mantra seems to be Protectionism before Conservation!
    (ie. keep everyone out and let mother nature take it's course - resulting in the lovely "bon" fires we see out of control currently - as well as being a great help for the feral population)

    However there is good news - we finally have unity.
    A joint working group called TEAM 2007 has been set up between TSP and the major shooting organisations in NSW to stand up to this very real threat.

    The aim of TEAM 2007 is to ensure that TSP lead candiate, Roy Smith, stands beside Robert in parliament after the NSW state elections on March 24th next year.
    However there is much to be done.

    In NSW there are approx. 175,000 licenced firearms owners. Only 50,000 of these belong to clubs and associations. This leaves approx. 125,000 shooters who either live on the land, or use a letter of permission from a property owner to support their "Genuine Reason" for a licence.

    Although increased exposure in the coming months is planned and clubs are already spreading the word to members, TEAM 2007 needs your help in getting in touch with this 125,000 to let them know the score ASAP.

    One of the most effective way of doing this is to help by volunteering a couple of hours of your time on polling day, either at your local polling booth or at another away from your area, and hand out "How to vote" information.

    The message is very simple - everyone in NSW has two votes. A lower house and an upper house vote. Whichever party holds the majority in the lower house of parliament becomes the government of the day. The upper house (legislative council or house of review) is where you (as a shooter, fisherman, 4WD'er or farmer) can be heard.

    TSP dosn't care which party you vote for in the lower house - that is your business, and yours alone. However it does ask that you vote for your sport, interest or livelihood by voting 1 Shooters Party above the line on the larger of the two ballot papers you are given on polling day. TSP will work with whichever party comes to power as long as the interests of shooters, farmers, fisho's and those wanting access to public lands is upheld.

    Although response to requests for volunteer help so far has been good, in reality TSP is unlikely to be able to cover all polling booths in all areas around the state.

    Please, please, please lend a hand and give a few hours back to your sport by registering your assistance and help TEAM 2007 protect your interests by calling (02) 8889 0444. It is most important that you register your support so that efforts can be co-ordinated.
    Please do not leave this to the last minute - we are now only weeks away from the big day.

    Please don't be apathetic about your sport - help protect your rights, and that of your children - Register Now,.... and while you're at it talk a mate or two into keeping you company on the day - it'll be a hell of alot more enjoyable if you have mates with you.

    If this is not possible for whatever reason, then please consider making a donation to the TSP fighting fund as some members of this forum already have (thank you Mr McGuire).

    We have one of the best opportunities in years to make a difference - lets not blow it - as a TEAM we can make this happen.

    To use an old saying - united we stand, divided we fall.

  2. #2

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    So what you are asking is for fishos to give a preferential vote to the shooters party over any similar fishing party (i don't know the name)? interesting.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Premium Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    Why do people need guns??
    Is this a fishing site or a gun club?
    Is there an anti shooters party?

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    if you read it it also states the greens will stop access to parks for fishing aswell, why do people need guns the same reason people need fishing rods

  5. #5

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    After re-enrolling after a long absents from the electial roll, I thank you for the heads up and the one sided information that you have given. I was brough up in a very strong minded Labour party house yet taugh that it was my vote to do with what I wanted to, and to make up my own mind. To this point when I have voted it has always been in a way that I thought "What's in it for me???". So up to the election day I will listen to all parties and vote the way I want to and NOT the way I'M told
    Rainbow Trout is NOT skittle flavoured fish.........

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    Good on yer for having a go mate, we need more people to stand up and be counted in politics.

    Not a mexican so cant help you out, but we need to support anyone going up against the greens, they are way to extreme to be left with the political agenda just because they may hold the balance of power. Otherwise normally sensible politicians will give them anything they want just to gain their vote for their pet projects.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    I would have thought that TWO fishing representatives in the Senate from The Fishing Party would be as good as you could get to represent the fishing community.

    It seems that there have been many a so called representative previously in the House who have failed in their fishing representation and now that FISHING has hit the limelight and potential votes are evident friends are everywhere.

    Being the Chairman of The Fishing Party and from a party who helped The Shooters get JT returned last time it's about bloody time the fishing lobby was supported.

    Some might think shooters are fishermen but many know most fishermen are not shooters.

    Think about it and more than ever DO something about it and get some representation who WILL argue your case in the system. Your chances are running out in NSW politics.

    Robert Smith

  8. #8

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    "if you read it it also states the greens will stop access to parks for fishing aswell, why do people need guns the same reason people need fishing rods" a quote from 'caveman, not trying to be a 'greeny oran anti gunner" but I cannot for the life of me remember the last time there was a hold up with a fishing rod, or the last time there was a family murdered by an ugly Stick, call me stupid, but, hey that's ANOTHER whinge for me, and still a while left in this year.

  9. #9

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    I am not a fan of guns or shooting. but some of us are and a lrge percentage of those are probably quite responsible and safe. As with many things in life (including fishing) we cannot fall into the trap of allowing ourselves to paint everyone in a colective group with tar. I think the world would be better off without guns myself but for those who enjoy the sport of shooting whilst it is still legal and practiced with safe conduct etc I have no ill feeling and if they are going to support my chosen pastime in the same fight then they are not my enemy but brothers in arms.
    Those who make the choice to endanger/act sensibly are those behind the gun or the fishing rod or the car or the bottle or ...
    Any fishing is good fishing (should probably say Any fishing is...probably going to be illegal soon)

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm
    but I cannot for the life of me remember the last time there was a hold up with a fishing rod, or the last time there was a family murdered by an ugly Stick
    No but I have seen plenty of shiela's at the local pub who have been thumped with one, and often!

  11. #11
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    Very funny Feral

    A few more drinks may help you on that one.

  12. #12

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    Last I saw NSW Libs were taking up the issue of fishing lock outs, as part of their bid to oust Labour.
    Not a natural Lib voter, but have and would again vote Lib/Nats ahead of another Green controlled Labour Gov't if I thought they would stand up to the Green agenda and stop the lock-outs many NSW fishos have been made to endure over recent years.
    I have no doubt many others feel the same way.
    Just an option to cavemans' ideas, as stated good on them for having a go, and thank God we at least have the opportunity to have a choice!

  13. #13

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    I don't want to get invovled in a gun debate, but it always amuses me how uninformed people draw parallels between licenced gun owners and hold ups or murders.
    Have a look at the figures of licenced guns as against unregistered ones that are used for illegal activity.

    In a democracy, you don't take something from everyone because somebody missuses it.

  14. #14

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    not drawing any parrallels, or defending or against gun laws in any way, just a statement answering a post that said people have guns just like people have fishing rods, maybe true, so I made a light hearted comment, sure a person who is a "sport shooter" is not likely to go beserk and mass murder people, and the unlicensed guns and crooks are the problem, but how the hell do we get crooks/criminals to hand in guns??? and if you are a 'responsible" gun owner, there is a remote possiblity that because you have a gun it COULD get into the wrong hands, remote sure but possible, by the way I am not a gun lobbyist or anything like that, just idle comments.

  15. #15

    Re: Have A Good Think About The Next Election

    Thought this might add somthing to this thread.


    Jon Jenkins is the author of this release and one has to admire his thought process.

    The New South Wales Tourism Minister Sandra Nori has started a campaign urging workers to take their holidays and support the state economy by using their leave to help boost regional areas.

    But if the Tourism Minister had consulted her cabinet colleagues she need not have bothered with this campaign and could have saved the State's money!

    The NSW Government over the past 10 years has banned access to all Wilderness areas and progressively closed access to almost every National Park and Nature Reserve in NSW. Even access to Crown Land and Travelling Stock Routes has been banned. From horse and bicycle riding to abseiling and kayaking to camping you are banned! Add the devastation across hundreds of thousands of hectares of NSW bushland caused by decades of ideologically driven fire mis-management and it's no wonder tourists don't go on holidays in regional NSW:


    The recent introduction of completely unnecessary Marine Parks with some of the best fishing spots in NSW now off limits will kill of what remains of our home grown tourism including the ~$1billion recreational fishing industry. A seminal study by Ernst and Young has confirmed the devastating effect these bans will have on many coastal communities relying upon tourism for income.


    No wonder we have a society replete with obesity and ill health:

    the NSW Government has banned almost all the outdoor activities people love doing!

    Dr Jon Jenkins MLC
    Parliament House
    Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
    Sydney Office Ph/Fax 02-9230-2752/2205
    Nth Coast Office Ph/Fax 02-6676-2947/1543
    Mob 0429178817

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