Heads up guys - preliminary figures indicate that the NSW Greens are almost positive to win another seat in the NSW governments Upper House, if not two!!!
If they do, they will hold the balance of power in the Legislative Council (the NSW parliaments house of legislative review).,.... that is unless we are able to put another shooter into government to stand beside John Tingle's replacement in The Shooters Party (TSP), Robert Brown MLC.
The consequences of the Greens weilding power will be disasterous to anyone wishing to access public lands, as well as recreational fishermen and shooters - not to mention the man on the land. Top amongst their hare brained ideas, the Greens have stated that they wish to put lockouts on National Parks for 4WD'ers and lockouts for recreational fishermen thru implimentation and expansion of Marine National Parks. Furthermore they would like to remove ALL firearms from ligitimate sporting shooters!!!!
Their mantra seems to be Protectionism before Conservation!
(ie. keep everyone out and let mother nature take it's course - resulting in the lovely "bon" fires we see out of control currently - as well as being a great help for the feral population)
However there is good news - we finally have unity.
A joint working group called TEAM 2007 has been set up between TSP and the major shooting organisations in NSW to stand up to this very real threat.
The aim of TEAM 2007 is to ensure that TSP lead candiate, Roy Smith, stands beside Robert in parliament after the NSW state elections on March 24th next year.
However there is much to be done.
In NSW there are approx. 175,000 licenced firearms owners. Only 50,000 of these belong to clubs and associations. This leaves approx. 125,000 shooters who either live on the land, or use a letter of permission from a property owner to support their "Genuine Reason" for a licence.
Although increased exposure in the coming months is planned and clubs are already spreading the word to members, TEAM 2007 needs your help in getting in touch with this 125,000 to let them know the score ASAP.
One of the most effective way of doing this is to help by volunteering a couple of hours of your time on polling day, either at your local polling booth or at another away from your area, and hand out "How to vote" information.
The message is very simple - everyone in NSW has two votes. A lower house and an upper house vote. Whichever party holds the majority in the lower house of parliament becomes the government of the day. The upper house (legislative council or house of review) is where you (as a shooter, fisherman, 4WD'er or farmer) can be heard.
TSP dosn't care which party you vote for in the lower house - that is your business, and yours alone. However it does ask that you vote for your sport, interest or livelihood by voting 1 Shooters Party above the line on the larger of the two ballot papers you are given on polling day. TSP will work with whichever party comes to power as long as the interests of shooters, farmers, fisho's and those wanting access to public lands is upheld.
Although response to requests for volunteer help so far has been good, in reality TSP is unlikely to be able to cover all polling booths in all areas around the state.
Please, please, please lend a hand and give a few hours back to your sport by registering your assistance and help TEAM 2007 protect your interests by calling (02) 8889 0444. It is most important that you register your support so that efforts can be co-ordinated.
Please do not leave this to the last minute - we are now only weeks away from the big day.
Please don't be apathetic about your sport - help protect your rights, and that of your children - Register Now,.... and while you're at it talk a mate or two into keeping you company on the day - it'll be a hell of alot more enjoyable if you have mates with you.
If this is not possible for whatever reason, then please consider making a donation to the TSP fighting fund as some members of this forum already have (thank you Mr McGuire).
We have one of the best opportunities in years to make a difference - lets not blow it - as a TEAM we can make this happen.
To use an old saying - united we stand, divided we fall.