Hi all, First time chatter. I've been reading everones posts for the last week so I thought I'd finally get in the spirit. Have just sold the Allycraft 4.1 TopEnder and upgraded to the new Alleycraft 5.4 Platey. should have it next week, Just waiting for the 115 opti- Their suppose to arrive in Oz this week. I'm looking forward to getting out further afield, haven't been outside since I Was a Kid 30 + years ago. Parents had a weekender on Coochie in those days. Unfortunately started working for a living and only rediscovered fishing a year ago. Lucky for me the wife loves it more than me and it was her idea to upgrade. Hope to give the boat a test run over to the sand hills next week. The weather better be good as my 3 boys are getting sick of the "when I was a boy" stories about fishing Morteon and outside. Look forward to seeing some of you at Viccy Pt ramp.