Hi all. Long time looking !st time posting. Sold the 4.74 stacer. Soon recieving the new Stabicraft 589 .I usually launch in Dolans Bay ,Port Hacking,Syd. New boat should be in the water in a couple of weeks.Its green hence easily seen so say hello!
Hi all. Long time looking !st time posting. Sold the 4.74 stacer. Soon recieving the new Stabicraft 589 .I usually launch in Dolans Bay ,Port Hacking,Syd. New boat should be in the water in a couple of weeks.Its green hence easily seen so say hello!
welcome to ausfish prummo, hope the new boat goes well.
welcome aboard m8
Rainbow Trout is NOT skittle flavoured fish.........
Welcome aboard mate
Tight lines <*)(((((((((><