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Thread: G'day Guys!

  1. #1

    G'day Guys!

    G'day guys,

    My name is Lachlan and i'm 14 years of age. I'm very much into fishing and I take it serious! I mainly do alot of spinning for Trout (both Rainbow and Brown trout) in the lakes and rivers. The fish species I target are; Murray Cod, Golden Perch, Trout (both Rainbow and Brown Trout), Redfin, Snapper, Bream, Whiting, Flathead and Carp (to get em' out of our water ways). I look forward to talking to most of you guys on here!

  2. #2

    Re: G'day Guys!

    Hey there Lachlan. Good to see a 14 year old that not only is literate but also loves his fishing. Welcome to the site. Enjoy! Glad to have you with us.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  3. #3

    Re: G'day Guys!

    Welcome aboard Lachlan
    Tight lines <*)(((((((((><

  4. #4

    Re: G'day Guys!

    Welcome mate..

  5. #5

    Re: G'day Guys!

    Thank you very much guys!

  6. #6

    Re: G'day Guys!

    Thanks guys!

  7. #7

    Re: G'day Guys!

    We eagerly await your first report. Welcome aboard. If you have ANY questions on tackle, tecnique,locations....anything for that matter....never hesitate to ask. Everyone on here is more than willing to help you out. Also be prepared to help us out as you may discover some new way of doing things that we could all learn from.


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