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Thread: Camp ovens

  1. #16

    Re: Camp ovens

    Hey Don

    Good to hear that you have gone for the Bedourie. The guy who makes them is Bill Thompson and his factory is in South Australia. You can buy direct from him over the inetrnet at Even if you go to your local camping shop the site is worth looking at as you can see his full range of goods.

    I have only ever found that "No Knead" bread mix at Coles. Remember, when you set it to rise stick it in the car in the sun. You will find that the car gets nice and warm and if there is a breeze it wont affect it. You can let the windows down a bit if it gets to hot. Don't forget the bread rolls. They are my favourite. Also don't forget to preheat the camp oven



    PS After posting this I had a look at the Southern Metal Spinners Web Site and just looking at Bill's prices (that include postage), I don't know that you will get then cheaper in your local camping store. I would be interested if you did. Derek

  2. #17

    Re: Camp ovens

    Derek, After looking at the web site I may go for an "Aussie Camp Oven" instead of just the basic Bedourie.

    I'll have a look at prices in my local camping stores on Sat morning, and compare the prices. I remember seeing a Bedourie in at least one of them a few weeks back, but I tend to doubt that they will also stock the camp oven which I'm now interested in. It appears to have all the advantages of the basic Bedourie, with a couple of extra features for a few bucks extra. Any comments ??.

    Thanks for the web site, I didn't think to do a search for it. I guess I just didn't connect the good old bush know-how with modern web technology - wrong again !!

    I got the breadmix at my local Coles store, but they were the last three packs on the shelf - going cheap as a dicontinued line. I don't know if it is just that store, or if all Coles stores are dropping it.

    Cheers, Don.

  3. #18

    Re: Camp ovens


    That's a pity about Coles no longer stocking the bread mix. It is one of the better things to come out for us campers in recent times. Still keep your packet and maybe contact them. From memory they are a family company in Victoria. I couldn't find a web site for them.

    Think carefully before choosing the Aussie Camp Oven over the Bedourie. I have the large Aussie Camp Oven and they are a great piece of equipment. One of the good things about using either is being able to use the lid as a frying pan. If you bake a lot and I assume you are going to, you will have to fill the lid (frying pan) on the Aussie Camp Oven with coals everytime you use it. For me that doesn't make for a good frying pan.

    The good thing about the Aussie Camp Oven though is that if you have a bit of wind the coals are down inside the lid and don't get affected as much as they do with the Bedourie.

    Still the choice is yours but that is something to think about. Actually I must admit that before coming over here to Kosovo all of my recent baking of bread, rolls and damper was done in the Aussie Camp Oven but then I have my old faithful Bedourie to use as a frying pan.

    Looking forward to hearing how you go either way.

    I just moved an old posting on the Bedourie to the top of the board. There are a couple of photos there that might interest you. If I was home I could post a couple with the the Aussie Camp Oven but then if your read Bush N Beach then you may have already seen them from when I did an article about camp oven bread.

    I know my local camping store in Caboolture stocks the Aussie Camp Oven.



  4. #19

    Re: Camp ovens

    Derek, All good good advice and food for thought. Looks like I will have to weigh up all the pro's and cons, then make a call one way or the other. I do have a good camp frypan, so using the lid of the oven/bedourie would not be a major issue.

    I'm not sure yet if I will be baking a lot while camping, but I have a breadmaker at home, and I do like that just baked hot bread.

    You're right about that other thread you resurrected - it is interesting, and not just for the photos.
    I'm sure that others who've been following this thread - like Brian and Michael - would be interested in it too.

    While I'm on leave my web access will be limited, so I probably wont be on the boards much for the next four weeks, but I will try to post some info about prices etc when I have done my window shopping.

    Cheers, Don.

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