swivels/lifts up and down,,,,,,no idea who made it but its great!
swivels/lifts up and down,,,,,,no idea who made it but its great!
What's it sit on? How stable is it? Looks like a good set up tho!
Southwind SF20 'Piscatoreous'
Savage 14ft tinny "About Time'
its all in the pic....... sit on? doesnt move unless you want it to.
is it yours rob ?
Where'd you get it ?
does the plate slide off that upright ?
chris, its mine nowbrother left it at my place
it came from a 4wd show in the hunter valley.
yep, it comes right off.
it swivels at the point ice circled if there was any confusion and by lifting the plate slightly u can then slide it up or down the pole, just struck me as perfect for cooking around fire....
the circled bit looks like a raised towing tongue commonly found on small cars like corollas - except it seems too small compared to the ugly chicks legs behind it.But the right shape - wadda great idea - if the plates too hot just raise it !
There is a better model available. BQMAX of Lismore in NSW makes this, the budget model of the original BQMAX. The post or upright has a spike on it and is driven into the ground. It has a hot plate and grill/come pot holder and a removable hook for the billy. The grill and hotplate swivel so you can move them closer or away from the heat.
BQMAX has these now available and if you are interested send me an email or a message.
Gday Derek, how do the plates slide up and down on the pole? cant see the "tow hitch" like on the other one.
looks perfect for making large pancakes![]()
haha, yeah large pancakes in morn, and big snapper or red emporer at night!!![]()
that looks great, what kind of dollars are you looking at for this?
I found the plate at the 4wd show as Rob mentioned.
I had been looking for a fair while for a decent, simple combo that would work and be strong enough not to get badly knocked around...... I think I have found it...The pole goes about 15cm into the ground and two pegs also secure it.
The company who makes it is Hillbilly Camping Gear. Here's the link. They don't charge much for postage either.
Hey Mackmauler
It doesnt have a hitch as such. Both the plate and grill have a tube that slides up and down the post. There are two pins that you can set for height. In my opinion you dont need to slide the plate up and down. You set your fire first to get the heat right before you start cooking. The beauty of this one is that if it gets a little to hot you simply slide the plate or grill to one side.
That fire under your grill looks scary to me. Burnt steaks for sure.![]()
Anyone genuinely interested please PM or email me and I will provide further info.
I am getting a couple up from BQMAX that should be here early next week.
Derek, thats the beauty of em, even with a fire like that you just swing the plate off, or raise it!they woulda been burnt for sure otherwise
The steaks turned out great. As Rob said, the beauty of the device is that it can be swiveled or raised/lowered to adjust heat application. The purpose of having a roaring fire such as the baby pictured there is to satisfy man's aching desire for relaxation among fellow men after a day's hunter/gatherer antics. A fire is a beacon of achievement after a day's slaughter/gather and nothing represents a man's true prowess more than his ability to construct and maintain a roaring fire. It is something to be admired and fiercely envied among rival kind! [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]