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Thread: which direction ?

  1. #1

    which direction ?

    This might sound like a silly question and every silly question deserves a silly answer so If you were to pitch a tent, which direction would you face the door north,south, east or west ?

  2. #2

    Re: which direction ?

    All depends on where the best view is, what the landscape is like, and what the weather is doing?
    I wouldn't think that there would be any hard and fast reason as to which way it should face.


  3. #3

    Re: which direction ?

    East... if i can get away with it as the front of the tent area is usually where we sit around in the arvos have a beer etc... no sun in arvo... and its a good way to torment the old girl in the mornings as she likes a sleep in and gets the grumps big time if the sun is coming in the front door Trouble is she is starting to wake up to this and wants the sun behind the tent these days.

    Cheers Les

    "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

  4. #4

    Re: which direction ?

    Facing Allah

    [smiley=jester.gif] [smiley=jester.gif] [smiley=jester.gif]

  5. #5

    Re: which direction ?

    Towards the best view so that when you wake up in the morning and look out you see a nice scene.

  6. #6

    Re: which direction ?

    thank you all for your replies.
    The bloody weather spoiled my long weekend > > >


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