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Thread: Porta Potti Tips Please

  1. #1

    Porta Potti Tips Please


    I suppose it had to descend to this. Undoubtly the grubbiest, least pleasant topic ever. Secret men's business. The worst part of camping. Only use these things because the wife wants to use one.

    Anyway, has anyone got any tips, eg how to clean, store, what chemical is best etc


  2. #2

    Re: Porta Potti Tips Please

    hey whichway,

    Go for the larger portaloo. The one we have is a companion 24 ltr holding tank, 14 ltr freshwater tank. Buy the chemicals they camp shop sells. They even make the toilet smell nice. Until mr skippa uses it anyway. #

    To empty it just dig a hole and bury the waste, flush out the loo with fresh water till you get home. Give it a good clean out at home, leave it all open till it dries out, then store it till the next trip. Your wife gets to have a laugh at you emptying it. #

    Cheers Tracey
    aka mrs skippa

  3. #3

    Re: Porta Potti Tips Please


    Here's a tip ... don't let your Mrs take licorice camping .... # #

    I actually used double the dose of the chemicals as we where only camping for 3 days. Breaks down the ....... poo .... quicker, when it breaks down its just liquid form and not .... chuncky .... #makes a big difference if ya don't wanna spew when it comes time to empty # #and yes she will laugh, its a cruel world #

    When you fill the top tank ( water and chemicals) put some in the holding tank 2..... Hope your not having dinner or anything... #

    Good luck,
    Tony #
    Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem Bright ...... untill they speak

  4. #4

    Re: Porta Potti Tips Please

    If you are a romantic dude like mr skippa is... Valentines day is coming up. You can buy her one for that, like I got for Valentines day last year.
    I can't wait to see how he is going to top it this year.

    Listen out for us on B105's most unromantic hubby later on this week.. They loved my story.

    cheers tracey
    aka mrs skippa

  5. #5

    Re: Porta Potti Tips Please

    Jeez Skippa
    Here i am thinking you were a SNAG but really you are just like the rest of us
    Cheers Dazza

  6. #6

    Re: Porta Potti Tips Please


    Mate I'm just a simple fisherman ....

    Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem Bright ...... untill they speak

  7. #7

    Re: Porta Potti Tips Please

    Thanks for the tips

    Good to see some potti humor


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