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Thread: trouble with my engel

  1. #1

    trouble with my engel

    i have a 60ltr engel fridge/freezer ,had it for five years the usage would be below average for a fridge of this caliber say ten times a year,i have had a noise in the compressor since new but this was sussed out and was told didnt need attention so kept using it ,last week it blew up stuffed the compressor and the wiring got a quote to fix it $890.00. should an ICON fridge last longer than 5 years and is there any way i can fix it a bit cheaper than the quote price,any help would be greatly appreciated as we are heading off soon on a trip over to broome.cheers AL

  2. #2

    Re: trouble with my engel

    Can you do an insurance claim somehow
    Tight lines <*)(((((((((><

  3. #3

    Re: trouble with my engel

    give this guy acall on 46976666 hes at helidon and thats all he does is repaird engels. you can couier it out too him and he will quote you and he is cheap. all the repair shops send them to him. i had an old one fixed and goes like a beut now. cheers

  4. #4

    Re: trouble with my engel

    griz,i tried my company and it was ok as long as the motor was fused first and we could prove there was a power spike in the area at the time i needed a full report from the repairer and he said that the compresser went first so no luck there ,i will try the fellow goodone said and see how i go.

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