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Thread: Freshen up sleeping bags

  1. #1

    Freshen up sleeping bags

    I just pulled some sleeping bags out of storage for use now that the weather is getting better. God... they didnt smell very pleasant. Into the washing machine and out into the sun for a good natural antibacterial treatment and airing.
    What do you do to help keep sleeping bags nice, fresh and comfy during storage.
    Woolmix seems to be a favorite but I would like to know about other tricks that people have when caring for sleeping bags.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member griz066's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Freshen up sleeping bags

    Never had the problem where do you store them?
    Tight lines <*)(((((((((><

  3. #3

    Re: Freshen up sleeping bags

    Stored in a cupboard under the house. Up off of the floor. Its a dry place.
    I didnt think the storage was a problem.
    They are fine now that they have been washed.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member el_carpo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Freshen up sleeping bags

    Hi Saphire,

    I've never used them personally so I can't say how well they work, but I've heard about people using vacuum storage bags for sealing items such as sleeping bags for long periods of time.

    How they work is, you put the item in the bag and attach a vacuum to it to take out all of the air. Then, you seal it closed. This shrinks it down to a small size for easy storage and prevents it from getting stale. When you break the seal and open the bag, it is supposed to be in the same condition that it was when you first put it in.

    Here's a site I found that sells them. If you want, you can take a look and see if you may want to try it.

    Another idea would be to use those silica gel desiccant packs. You could keep your sleeping bags in a large plastic trash bag and throw in some silica gel packs to absorb any humidity.

    Hope this helps.
    "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"

  5. #5

    Re: Freshen up sleeping bags

    The best way to store your sleeping bag is to either hang it in your cupboard on a coathanger or to put it into a much larger breathable bag. It is important to maintain the sleeping bags loft to keep its warming and insulation properties and the carrybags with compression straps should never be used for long term storage because of this.

  6. #6

    Re: Freshen up sleeping bags

    Woodchopper is spot on.

    The best way we found to store them between trips was to put them in a light duna cover, and keep it on the spare bed as the cover.

    Grew up through Rovers (Part of scouting) and camped quite a bit with the same sleeping bag for about 6 years before I replaced it. And that was only to go to a smaller packing bag.

  7. #7

    Re: Freshen up sleeping bags

    Forgot to add...

    The reason for keeping them on the bed is it keeps all the loft spread out evenly. Storing it upright, or scrunched up (like in the bag) compresses the loft and it will never perform properly.

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