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permits on DI Point
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Thread: permits on DI Point

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member fella's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    permits on DI Point

    as a regular camper on double island point i was surprised at the narrowly escaped fine by the ranger for non permit.

    i was travelling up to beach around 5.30 pm and QPWS was closed , i thought thats cool i'll self regester up there. but upon arrival no self regestration huts. oh well when ranger turns up i.ll pay by credit card ( done in past). he informed me that no self regestration was avaliable and also no "in the field" payments anymore. he told me that he could fine me and others with us $75 (per preson) for no permit.

    apparently you need to apply on line (thats right apply) for a permit. so they can limit numbers if need be. i agree totally with camping permits although i suggested to the ranger better signage to warn people about changes to regostration procedure.

  2. #2

    Re: permits on DI Point

    The same with Bribe Island these day's,you have to go online and book.problem is you may not like the spot ,bad luck that's the one you have paid for.Don't forget the beach permit for the vehicle as well,which can net you a large fine.The days of going on the spur of the moment are just about over.......The good old days ?????

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: permits on DI Point

    Yeh you can book online or by phone, you dont need a permit for 4wd if camping.

    Smart Service (for camping bookings)
    ph 13 13 04
    fax 1300 300 768

    Personally i think limiting numbers is a fair enough idea.



  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member fella's Avatar
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    Aug 2005

    Re: permits on DI Point

    yeah i agree dan.
    limiting numbers and fees are great to keep these special places beautiful and keep trouble out . not complaining about fees but what if it rains or you don't end up going. . are permits transferable ?/?/??

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: permits on DI Point

    pretty sure you can ring the 13 number and change 1 or 2 times at no charge.

  6. #6

    Re: permits on DI Point

    mate got to limit numbers
    last xmas was crazy on DI really put me off goin again and i've been camping up there for the last 12years

    and its easy to book online
    book, pay , print reciept and go
    reciept has booking number on it which is what you show the ranger

  7. #7

    Re: permits on DI Point

    Mid week out of school holidays is the only time I will head up that way now. Only way to beat the crowds.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: permits on DI Point

    Can't agree more with rcfisher. The beauty of the place will be its undoing to close to Brisbane to make it a mission to get there and therefore keep the numbers down.

    I was there about a month ago not been there for a while and couldn't believe the amount of bog roll lying around the place. I just wonder when a point will be raeched that you cant go to certain areas cos of all the sh*t in the dunes. The place gets a hammering every weekend any measure to relieve the pressure on the enviroment is surely welcome.

    I had to blow in the bag aswell that weekend more of that couldnt be a bad thing either keep the idoits doing doughnuts at 12 at night a bit calmer. Hopefully it will make it safer. We were nearly run over by some idiot pissed as coot driving like a maniac past us while we were having a fish he didnt leave us much room between the beach and the surf. It wont take not to many more "incidents" before the pollies have a look at the whole situation and bring in few more rules which if done with some thought and longer term goals wouldnt be a bad thing.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: permits on DI Point

    Hey all,

    Well i was up there for the first time in a long time last weekend, we took some kiwi freinds up for their first time and they couldnt beleive how nice it and rainbow was..

    One gripe, and im sad to say its about the rubbish on the beach and left in camps. There was one camp in particular that i saw a large cardboard box, it had a bbq pitcure on it so it was big. It was filled with rubbish, also a another large box with more rubbish, an old mattress, large peices of cardboard everywhere, beer cans, beer bottles the list could go on... IT WAS DISGRACEFUL...

    On the box it had the delivery docket, it was someone in Sippy Downs who obviously thought they lived to far away to GIVE A SH%T. If you are a member of this site you are a a#$HOLE and should be publicly flogged...

    Also i was digging a toilet and found buried beer bottles everywhere, not to mention the amount of jacked up hick mobiles driving over the dunes...

    Anyway, thats my gripe. Its such a nice place and such a terrible shame this low life peices of scum are destroying it...



  10. #10

    Re: permits on DI Point

    Maybe more toilets and bins put in by the rangers may help? but I go there for nature, if they put in more facilities may as well go to a caravan camp.Don't know the answer.

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