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Derek- Stock Reserves
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Thread: Derek- Stock Reserves

  1. #1

    Derek- Stock Reserves

    Hi Derek,
    Do you know of a database etc anywhere that list the stock reserves along our many rivers?
    These places are open to the public to camp/fish at but are generally not known about. Others I've seen are fenced off by some farmer that seems to think they are the sole owners/users.

    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  2. #2

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves


    No I don't know of a data base but you are right about some of them being fenced off. There are still, to my knowledge the reserves as well as the old stock routes that a lot of farmers have taken over since the drover is no longer with us.

    I'll see what I can find out on this one and hey, let's face it, it's public land after all.


  3. #3

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves

    Thanks Derek, The info would be great.
    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  4. #4

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves


    I have found someone in the Dept of Natural Resources who is going to do some research.


  5. #5

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves

    Great Stuff mate. Please keep us updated.
    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  6. #6

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves


    Have sent you an email that I received from the DNR.

    For the info of other I have repeated the guts of it below

    The Stock Route Management Unit within the Department of Natural Resources and Mines is presently developing two databases of stock routes and reserves. One will be a Geographic Information System (GIS) which will show
    the spatial location of stock routes, reserves and stock route

    The other database will be a textual database of stock route infrastructure such as water points fencing, holding yards, bridges, crossings etc.

    Development of both databases is well under way and the focus is now on combining the two datasets.

    It is proposed at this point that access to the data will be a number of levels. Public access will be at a lower level with higher level access for departmental staff and local government staff who manage stock routes.

    A decision has not yet been made as how the data will be accessed. In the short term it will probably be via CD roms with web based access something to be considered in the future.

    It is unknown when the data will be released for public access. Resoursing issues are creating some short term problems. All the data is held in hard copy form and minor enquiries can be handled by the Stock Route Management

    It makes you wonder just what the DNR are up to. You would think that this should all be in the public forum, wouldn't you.



  7. #7

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves

    Hi Derek,
    Got the emial, thanks.
    Pretty wishy washy response.
    Considering that DNR are a govt agency, the info should be out there for the publics access. I've dealt with em before on some mapping info from their database & they want a minimum $110 for a basic copy (if no alterations are required) Have to keep relying on info etc going out the back door I suppose.

    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  8. #8

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves


    You have got me going on a mission here. I intend to get to the bottom of it.

    I hadn't realised until now but we should be able to access them and in fact camp on them.

    What I believe has happened in lots of cases is that during the drought periods the old farmer has run a temp fence around them to feed his cows. When the drought has broken the fence stays up or is replaced by a permanet one and the land gets included in the farm.

    Does anyone else oput there have any thoughts on this. If you have let us know.


  9. #9

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves

    Jeez mate,
    Didn't mean to stir you up this much.
    Now I won't mention anything about access to gazzetted council reserves, roads & easements that we're supposed to have access to as well.


    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  10. #10

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves

    There's a couple of stock reserves on the Dumaresq River near Yelarbon - Bengalla is one of them, that I've seen people camp at. The only problem is that there is no one such as a ranger around, and the local yahoos tend to come out and go a bit wild. A local property owner told me that if you camp there you're likely to get your gear pinched while you sleep. This is the problem when these areas get a bit of publicity, the bad element is unfortunately attracted also. Just a bit concerned about personal safety, that is all. happy fishing

  11. #11

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves


    I tried to access the legislation the other night to dsee whart acces we are allowed. Everytime I tried to get in the computer locked up. Makes me feel someone is trying to hide something.

    There are some good websites in relation to certain reserves that have been set up by birdwatchers.

    I use the ANZWERS.COM.AU search engine. Worth looking at.

    I have someone in the DNR waiting for a call on Monday. I will try and find out something.

    Trust me, I WORK for the government.


  12. #12

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves

    Will you look at that spelling. Steve is going to have to put in a spell checker.

  13. #13

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves

    Quote Originally Posted by Derek Bullock
    Will you look at that spelling. Steve is going to have to put in a spell checker.
    Hey Derek,
    You are the moderator round here. You can fix it mate I'm sure.
    Talkin bout workin for the govt, I used to have a second head meself. Had that amputated & ain't never goin back there! Thank god for handshakes.
    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  14. #14

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves

    Here is the latest info that has come out of the DNR:

    In the vast majority of cases stock routes in Queensland are located on and follow public roads. In this situation "stock Routes' are simply another use of the road corridor as is the use of the corridor for the running of
    telephone cables, powerlines and the construction of vehicular carriageways.

    As with all roads, those roads used as stock routes are available for public access however under the Land Act 1994 camping is not permitted on roads.

    In a small number of instances stock routes cross reserves and areas of unallocated State land.

    The location of stock routes and associated lands are shown on a series of maps held by the Stock Route Management Unit. As previously advised it is the intention to eventually publish this information and make it available for public access.

    The Department has published a book on stock routes
    entitled "The Romance and The Reality". The book is A4 size and contains 14 maps in a road map style showing the location of the stock routes throughout Queensland. The book also contains information on their history, usage,
    conservation values etc and should be available from your nearest Department of Natural Resources and Mines office.

    More detailed information on the location of the stock routes is held on the stock routes maps. Whilst the Stock Route Management Unit is not set up for public access the maps could be viewed by appointment. The Stock Route
    Management Unit is situated on level 3 of the Landcentre which is located at the corner of Vulture and Main Streets in Woolloongabba. You would need to ring beforehand to ensure that staff will be available to assist in your enquiry.

    Well there you have it. The latest. By the way they want $32.95 for the book.


  15. #15

    Re: Derek- Stock Reserves


    Check out this web site. I have read these publications. Lists over 3000 free camp sites and those under $20. A must:

    Regards Tony

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