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Thread: tropical ice boxes

  1. #16

    Re: tropical ice boxes

    I took the rubber feet off my tropical as they always used to catch when sliding full ice box over gunnel of my boat. Now much easier to load and move around. Dont have problem with it moving around as carpet seems to grip it ok.

  2. #17

    Re: tropical ice boxes

    Got yourself a bargain there Rayken with the Techni Ice. I have been bidding on 80ltr ones from Big Chilli and Unbelievablycool and they have been going around the $135 -$145 mark.

  3. #18

    Re: tropical ice boxes

    Got it in june when the demand was low. Its just a matter of waiting and bidding. It took me about 3 weeks to score. There was a guy at Scarborough flogging them in the weekend shopper a while back.

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