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A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a whinge
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Thread: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a whinge

  1. #1

    A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a whinge

    First time out last weekend a campmaster hose blew off the stove. I was out fishing but luckily Ross was there to lend the deckie a hand before the whole bloody tarp burned down.

    Back to Big W with it to find a replacement.........they have none in stock and don't know whether they will be stocking 'em in future

    Emailed campmaster regarding the safety issue (this is the 2nd one to blow) awaiting a reply.

    Decided to try BCF (Tuesday)for a different brand hose as I now no longer trust campmaster........hundreds of hoses.......all the same ....all primus 3/4 thread and all the other sizes out of stock

    Calls back Saturday to see if they've stocked up.......Nope!

    Had decided to upgrade to ally poles so took a look at them. One pack of 10 and one single. "I want 30" says I, "have you any round the back and if so, what can you do 'em for 'mates rates'. Off he trots and 5 minutes later, "No, none round the back" says he. "OK, can you order 'em in and at what price mates rates, I ask again as he had neglected to broach the subject?" he trots again and reappears 5 minutes later saying, "It'll take 2 weeks and the manager says he'll give you 5% but you can only have 15 from here and you'll have to get the other 15 from the Keperra store"

    "' They're in packs of 10 and you can only get me 15"???? says I, "so if I take 15 you will only have 5 left in stock for other customers and if I'm prepared to pay up front with a hefty deposit, why can't you simply order 3 shelf stacking, hardly any labour, in one minute out the door the next" "dunno, that's what the manager says", says he

    Now this was a Saturday, arguably the busiest trading day and they've only got one brand of hose, 11 poles, and they arent prepared to let me have more than 15 if I order 'em in, and I'll have to go out of my way to get the other 15 at another store!!??

    The mind boggles! Out I went with my wallet the same thickness.

    Passed a store that shall not be named on the way back........same poles a dollar dearer but 20% discount (finishes today). "can you do better than that if I buy 30" says I, "hang on sir, I'll check" And check he did, and he had more than 30, and he carried 'em out to the car for me, and they ended up $2.75 a pole cheaper than the store who doesn't seem to want my business, despite me spending over half an hour in there. Saved over 80 bucks....was in the store less than 5 minutes. Noticed placcies were 20% off as well but steered clear, despite how pretty they look in the tackle box


    The answer to having a better life is not about getting a better life, it's just about changing how we see the one we have right now. (Angel Kyodo Williams)

  2. #2

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    The hose.

  3. #3

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    Well coming from a retail background myself Kev I always expect the same curteous sevice wherever I shop the same way I was trained to look after customers when I was in retail. The result is I will part with my money more readily regardless of cost so long as the salesperson earms the right to the sale. Not a lot to ask really but I am always astounded at how many out there fail dismally when it comes to getting my business. Glad you scored well in the end. The thing about retail is once you have earned yourself a sale there is always going to be repeat business and you can always do the upsell and add-ons as well which shows a well trained salesperson.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  4. #4

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    why do ypu name big w , bcf , and then not name the one , on the way home? it should be the one to name, and not the others. wouldn,t go to one of them. hubby

  5. #5

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    lucky you didn,t have a serious fire or explosion, with that hose coming off, could have been a disaster. hubby

  6. #6

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    Quote Originally Posted by hubby
    why do ypu name big w , bcf , and then not name the one , on the way home? it should be the one to name, and not the others. wouldn,t go to one of them. hubby

    Hubby, the other one (A fart All Sorts) is not to be mentioned on this site because they "borrowed" a pic (I believe) from this site without permission.


  7. #7

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    Quote Originally Posted by hubby
    lucky you didn,t have a serious fire or explosion, with that hose coming off, could have been a disaster. hubby

    Damn near was! I explained in the email to Campmaster stoves that my complaint was not so much about a warranty issue but the fact that this was a serious safety issue and that an obvious quality control failing needed to be addressed.


  8. #8

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh


    Bit of a worry, the safety issue there.

    I take it the hose with the crimped end blew off the ridged male fitting?
    If so, I'm not sure I'd be too comfortable with that arrangement anyway.

    Why don't you just cut the hose off square with a stanley knife behind the crimped fitting and reattach it over the male fitting with a stainless steel screw up hose clamp. That way you can tighten it up yourself until you are comfortable it is secure, rather than relying on what appears to be dodgy factory produced crimped conections.


  9. #9

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    Yeah Jeff, I intend to do that and keep it as a spare as it's only a short one and I prefer the 900mm ones. The bottle and lamp can sit outside the tarp then, whilst the stove can come under.


  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    Mate i was bewildered as you were the other day when i went into BCF, i was looking for a clip for my abu as the other had popped off. Anyway standing in the reel area for about 10 min without seeing a person, i proceed to the front counter and asked to speak to someone about what a i was looking for.

    The lady then rings someone on the phone and asked them to come down to fishing section, i keep waiting and the phone rings and its the guy asking "what is the guy looking for?" as in me. I said im looking for some parts for my reel, she explains to the guy on the phone, she replies to me.. We dont have any parts for that here, i said you. He doesnt know what i need? so i explained the part to him, a circle clip of all things.. His reply was without even seeing and speaking through the girl on the front counter the part is $8 and $5 to get shipped here so you might as well buy a new reel...

    I walked out without a reply to them and went to the automotive parts shop down the road and asked the same question, got a person who gave a stuff and he even gave it to me for free saying " there only cheap mate, take another for a spare"

    Never again.. this isnt the first time either..

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member BrandonH's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh


    Not what you want to hear!!!! I haven't had anything that bad from BCF yet but.. have been ignored and talked to like a twat hence haven't been back for a good 6 months

    Campmaster gear I will never buy anything of theres after reading this Kev!!! thats dam outragous > what would have happened if it did burn down the tarp, and tent, and all your gear? I reckon you would be fighting to get anything outa them for the damage too!! Not good >

    Primus or colman all the way as far as gas stuff goes from now

    Tight Lines

  12. #12

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    Quote Originally Posted by BrandonH

    Primus or colman all the way as far as gas stuff goes from now

    Tight Lines
    Yeah, same here Brandon .

    Got a reply today saying that they would like to test the stove and that they will replace the drip tray, trivet and hose. No mention of compensation for the tea towels that got burned, not that I am that bothered but it gives me some indication of their customer relations. They also say that they now use a different brand of hose........speaks volumes eh?!

    As their office is at Greenslopes and I am on the Northside it hardly seems worth my while for me to go traipsing over there. I think I'll just be satisfied with being a bit more knowledgeable about their stoves and avoiding 'em in future.


  13. #13

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    mate of mine gave me a 20 dollar gift card for BCF over a year ago i think never got around to going into the new store up here on the sunshine coast and dont think i will now might give it back to him as a present much rather go to my local tackle store where the owner knows me by my first name.

    Caloundra fishing world for those who are interested
    only a small shop but good range of stuff
    and camping gear well Gotta go camping on caloundra road

  14. #14

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    not real flash service at bcf is it ,got treated like dirt by rude woman at lawnton, will never go there again thats for sure, would drive another 50ks past them ,rather than stopping and get treated like shit by them. hubby

  15. #15

    Re: A Warning, and Bewilderment - The Pom has a wh

    Quote Originally Posted by hubby
    not real flash service at bcf is it ,got treated like dirt by rude woman at lawnton, will never go there again thats for sure, would drive another 50ks past them ,rather than stopping and get treated like shit by them. hubby
    Lawnton That's the culprit. Think they'd lift their game a bit with A Fart All Sorts being just down the road.


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