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Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!
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Thread: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

  1. #1

    Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Hi All,

    Have 3 days off over the new years break and looking for a camping spot that has rooms for the kids to fish and play.. leaving my organising to the very last minute I know but just got word about the time off so want to take advantage!

    Can anyone please help. It can't be a place where you need a 4wd though.

    Thanks guys and merry xmas
    " Put a beer in one hand and a rod in the other and We're in Heaven! "

  2. #2

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Go to Evans Head. The camping grounds are next to the river and surf.
    Good chance of a feed of fish as well
    Better ring though as the place is usually chockers

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Try Amity, over on North Stradbroke Is. Nice little beach for the kids to throw a line or swim (stay close to the beach) and a great spot to launch the boat from, might have to ring ahead as it gets busy at chrissy.

  4. #4

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Hi nichole
    if you are all boating then you can try South Straddie up Tipplers end there are small Cabins from memory about $15.00 a night or camping with tents is $13 a night for two people per tent and $3 per person after that the cabins sleep four ring the Gold City Council or the Ranger on the Island and they will give you all the info you need but make it quick to book ahead or you can move down to Currigee camp site but for a few days Tipplers end will be safer for boat and kids as well as the 2 pubs that end Tipplers has entertianment and good anchorage


    Have a Very Safe and Merry Xmas and a Very Safe and Happy New Year

  5. #5

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!
    « Reply #2 - on: Today at 13:48 » Try Amity, over on North Stradbroke Is. Nice little beach for the kids to throw a line or swim (stay close to the beach)

    Three sharks suspected in fatal attack
    Beaches on North Stradbroke Island off Brisbane in south-east Queensland remain closed this afternoon, while police continue their search for a pack of sharks that killed a 21-year-old woman late yesterday.

    Sarah Kate Whiley, from Brisbane, died after being attacked by bull sharks while she was swimming near Rainbow Channel at Amity Point.

    Police believe more than one shark was responsible for killing the woman, who lost both her arms below the elbow during the attack.

    She also sustained major wounds to one of her legs.

    stay near the shore

    the dog

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member griz066's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Coastal or inland
    Tight lines <*)(((((((((><

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Dams might be an option
    Glenlyon has camping at the dam (west of Stanthorpe)
    Awoonga has camping at the dam (West of Gladstone)
    several others closer to Brisbane, but I dont have experience with them. Some are nearly dry, so check water levels before committing!

  8. #8

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Thanks everyone for all your help.

    I am looking for something easy as niether party have a boat just where the kids can paddle around.

    If anyone can help PM me.

    " Put a beer in one hand and a rod in the other and We're in Heaven! "

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    East of Rockhampton

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Hi Nichole
    It would help us a lot if you can tell us where you will be leaving from. I can suggest lots of wonderful places but if it takes three days to get there then nothing suggested will be of any value. How many hours do you wish to drive or how far away from home?

  10. #10

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Where's home !?!

  11. #11

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    nichole,i could recommend munna point caravan park on the noosa river ,you can camp there vertually right on the river , kids can play in the water fish off the bank . cheap rates & also close to everything .always go up there at least 3 times a year & my kids just love it 5 & 7

  12. #12

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    I am at ipswich, near brisbane so munna point sounds great any help is greatly appeciated.. thanks nichole
    " Put a beer in one hand and a rod in the other and We're in Heaven! "

  13. #13

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    What about Noosa north shore,I don't know how crowded it would be there then.THere are 2 places there 1 right on the beach the other a little back.It's only a 5 minute trip over on the barge and you don't need a 4wd though you can do more if you have.There is a nice pub and little shop over there as well.

  14. #14

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Hi Nic, Check out Tallabudgera camping ground, We take our 3 boys 11/9/7
    each easter & september school holidays. It has all the normal stuff Tennis courts ,pools etc and also a shark proof swim area. You can put tents on powered sites if you want to take a few luxuries with you, and the amenitie blocks are cleaned twice a day. The kids can take their bikes. I normally slip out to Palm beach reef in the mornings and then take the kids fishing or skiing in the creek during the day. Heaps of fishing from the banks if your land based. Alround safe place if you've got little ones, and close to Brissie.

  15. #15

    Re: Spots to Camp and Fish with the Kids HELP!

    Just came back from camping on South Stradbroke Island for a couple of days and the flys were painful. So many that you gave up swatting them. Was funny though as they were not interested in food laying out etc, but just quite happy to sit on your back and enjoy the ride...

    Never again this time of year... Time to find a new camp spot!!

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