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freshwater beach sand spike
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Thread: freshwater beach sand spike

  1. #1

    freshwater beach sand spike

    Meny years ago, i remember watching creek to coast and had a story about a stainless steel sand spike that was screwed into the beach sand to extract (bore) water for having showers, washing etc. Can anyone tell me if they know where i can get one, or any feed back about one.

  2. #2

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    Saw them yesterday at Tent World at Browns Plains. $300 for them and I am not sure if that includes the pump to pump the water up too?

    There was a post recently on here or another fishing net site with instructions on who to make one.

    Cant shed much more light than that sorry....

  3. #3

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    thanks booty, much appreciated.

  4. #4

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike


    The spikes you refer to are sand spears and are used on Bribie Is. a fair bit where ther is shallow ground water. The dont use a pump. There is a regulation (so I believe) that you cant use them on Fraser Is. The ones I have seen have been at the camping shows and are stainless steel and sell for around $400 to $600.


  5. #5

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    price is closer to 800 bucks and i got mine 2 years ago from gone camping in noosaville but i believe you can get them at BCF and some specialist 4x4 shops

  6. #6

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    and the pump end

  7. #7

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    Hi all, sorry to dig up an old post, but I just bought one of these with no pump. Does anyone know how they actually work?

  8. #8

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    I bought mine from glind on bribie island his are made from pvc pipe not stainless and are about a metre long and work a treat!!!! he is also the main seller of the flojet pumps so I got my set up for about 350 cheaper than the other set ups I have seen

  9. #9

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    Spear goes in ground, connect hose to inlet on pump, connect shower to outlet on pump, connect pump to battery.

    Attachment 53555

  10. #10

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    Just dont drink the water. Those dunes are full of human crap and hence bacteria.

  11. #11

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    More pics guys.Can someone put up a full pic of one.
    Checked out Glind site and this looks interesting. If you had sand spear would you also have for example a coleman water heater because if yo don't have a vehicle you would only have cold water.
    Does anyone know how the units from Glind are set up on your boat.


  12. #12

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    We have a Coleman with the mains water adapter and the shower kit as well. It makes continuous hot water for showers and you just adjust the temp on the front of the Coleman. The glind heaters are just a heat exchange set up so it uses the hot water that is getting pumped though your motor I have the glind one for my 4x4 but still haven't put it on as yet. We also have been told to dig the hole under the pandanas trees as the water seems to be higher and cleaner and like what Andy said DO NOT DRINK my brother in-law drank it no dramas but I'm not that keen

  13. #13

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    Quote Originally Posted by tunksie View Post
    Meny years ago, i remember watching creek to coast and had a story about a stainless steel sand spike that was screwed into the beach sand to extract (bore) water for having showers, washing etc. Can anyone tell me if they know where i can get one, or any feed back about one.

    G'day, I know the one you are talking about, its all custom made and not mass produced, you buy it directly from the inventor...this one works and can be attached to the car, if you dont like the place you are in then move to another spot. Although I cannot recall the name of it, it can be accessed via creek to coast old website archives...its stainless steel and removes all sand and salt and easy to maintain.


  14. #14

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    spears are nothing new.....there are large versions of them running in water supply systems all over sandy parts of the Townsville there are a couple of spear systems feeding into the there will be elsewhere.

    what is different is that someone is marketing a small portable one.

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  15. #15

    Re: freshwater beach sand spike

    Have been drinking the water out of the beach at rainbowfor yrs with out any probs.
    What better filter is there sand !

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