Hi all,
Have a HH V16 that I've converted to a side console. Full rebuild, new everything with shipwright rating transom to 190kg.
Currently has 4 stroke Merc 90hp (185kg).
My issue is how low the stern sits. Water doesn't lap the splash well, but get's awfully close. If there was a small swell blowing inwards, there would be water coming into the splash well.
I'm told the 16's always sat low and that it's a performance hull not a fishing hull etc. I also know I have shifted the center of flotation likely back a bit given the console sits further towards the stern than the original would have been, and with strengthening the transom, perhaps there is more weight anyway.
I am looking at a 70hp Yammy that weighs 125kg, so a saving of 60kg.
I am also looking to drain the underfloor tank as part of the tank does extend further towards the stern.
Question - is a 60kg (maybe 70/80kg with the empty tank) saving likely to make a significant difference to how the boat sits?
end build 1.jpgRebuild motor fitting.jpgboat sit low 1.jpg