Howd'y folks,
Although there is no official Ausfish M & G this year, there will be many members up there over a 2 week period from end of August up to the start of school holidays on the 14th September.
Some of these members are also ####### members.
A bit of history happening as well, with this year marking the 20th anniversary of the first ever Ausfish Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.
It also marks the 10 year anniversary of the ####### M & G.
Way back in February 2004, about a dozen hardy soles and some tinnies ventured to 1770 for a lot of drinkies and creek bashing with all of us being mostly unknown to each other, except for our ramblings here on the forum. .
The event was supported by locals from the bakery and tackle shop.
A bigger event took part in October of that year, which coincided with the Power Boat Anglers club also spending their yearly trip away there.
Since then, member boats have got bigger and more members making the trip from as far away as New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. The event culminated in a way no way expected with 130 members and 32 boats participating a few years ago.
Memories and friendships were created by way of " cook-offs ", fishing comps, prawn peeling comps, Mini M & G's, over-night trips to the islands, search and rescues, 4 x 4 treks and a host of mini adventures that are best left the members to reminisce about.
If anyone here is keen to attend this gig, respond below and we'll get you sorted. We share GPS locations, houses, cars, boats and bottles of " Joy "...
If anyone who has attended any of these events would like to comment, please do.
Cheers LP