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Thread: Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

  1. #1

    Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

    Grab a big jar of vaso and assume the position. Here it comes.

    Most of us regulars knew this would happen and I certainly have spoken about this for a number of years and here is the unvetted ammo that will be used to fire warning shots across the bow ( brow ) of every Australian. Cooloola – K’gari will be subject to very restrictive activities and limited people.

    Keep this phrase in mind.. Sustainable Visitor Capacity Management ( SVCM ).

    Queenslands DES have let loose a “ Have you say “ document with regard to a number of areas in the Cooloola region, but don’t be misled, this is a precursor to shutting down Fraser Island ( K’gari ).
    Submissions to this survey close on the 4th June…… we have got 30 days or less to make our feelings known and as much as I hate to admit it, we are generally an apathetic bunch of whingers, because we will not be pro-active, but whinge like ###k when the shit hits the fan.

    “ For evil to prevail, takes but for good men to do nothing “

    The Govt in their wisdom have released a “ draft management plan “ that is 56 pages long, specifically designed to confuse and frustrate the average Aussie that visits or wants to visit the Cooloola – K’gari region. Who the ###k is going to read all the dribble contained within this document, let alone understand some of the wording ?

    Right now I am asking anyone who reads this, thus far, to try and read some of the document and fill out the survey. Saying that, I am sure the DES have already made their decisions based on “ stakeholder “ input leading up to this document… the deal is done, sadly.

    The downside is that to fill in the survey you need to join the ? Loop in " program… and the verification code takes about 3 hours to come through an email..

    you can contact them here :-

    cheers LP
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    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  2. #2

    Re: Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

    Agree it’s going to happen, and agree fully that “we” are a weak bunch when it comes to actually doing something constructive. We all just sit back and whinge and carry on about “stuff” and say “they” or “someone” should do something…….news flash, we are all “someone” and part of “they” get off your sorry arses and complete the details. This is just one area, it will spread to your backyard too.

  3. #3

    Re: Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

    May be Scott Michell can help look whats hes done for the Sandy strait so far,but in reality it was all over for Fraser Island the day the name changed too K'gari,it will be for just the privilaged few very soon and those poor malnarished dingos they should bring back the brumbies for them there was never a problem until they took them off the island and the pippies might come back too with less 4x4 traffic they ate them too.

  4. #4

    Re: Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

    Scotty will be pulling the pin shortly, his 18 year fight for the Great Sandy Strait re-zoning has taken a toll.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  5. #5

    Re: Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

    I spent the week before Easter at Fraser Island. We stayed in a house at Eurong. This is, I think, the 7th time I've been, the first being in 2006. We've tented it. Camper trailered it and stayed in houses and the resort at Eurong. I've never for the life of me understood why they continue to insist on jamming all the campers into small zones. There's literally a hundred kilometres of beach for people to camp on and the impact would be minimal as everyone would be spread far and wide. If they also bulldozed a few more tracks then everything could be one-way traffic. No accidents on the inland track. Also, we were disappointed to not be allowed to climb Indian Head this time. The police happened to be there at the time telling people it was a no no. They told one group it was closed due to safety reasons and they told me it was due to the local indigenous peoples that it was off limits. What's the truth? And I've never understood the attraction of seeing a dog on a beach. Get rid of the pests.
    Lake McKenzie was busy but not overly so and the same for Eli Creek.
    If I was a Ranger there I'd be embarrassed to say so. All they seem to do is drive about in their vehicles and tell people NO. Might as well call the place No Island.

  6. #6

    Re: Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

    QPWS is a bureaucratic branch of the government. This is essentially a slow rolling bit part work around for a treaty that Labor knows will lose it government if they roll it out as a full scale political measure. The only way to stop this is to put it to the opposition and get them to guarantee they will stop it publicly before the next election.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  7. #7

    Re: Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

    Make sure your ALP member is aware this is am election issue. Approach LNP about rescinding it or dropping it completely. Approach local news in Gympie or HBay. Now is the time to let the LNP know there are big votes in regional areas with this area across Qld.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

    Fraser island seems to have been pretty poorly managed hasnt it...?

    and there will be changes aplenty in the years ahead....its hard to believe the Indigenous owners would be silly enough to cede control of Cape York to UNESCO.....I reckon everyone will get screwed including the Blackfella's..

    Cape York Peninsula World Heritage Tentative Listing information sessions Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

    The very first thing that happened when the state forest adjoining my property was handed over to the Indigenous owners and UNESCO was try and void our small approved leased area used for gravity feed water supply in the National park.....fortunately we and others in the same situation stood up to it and won...I dont think you would win these days though..

  9. #9

    Re: Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Fraser island seems to have been pretty poorly managed hasnt it...?

    and there will be changes aplenty in the years ahead....its hard to believe the Indigenous owners would be silly enough to cede control of Cape York to UNESCO.....I reckon everyone will get screwed including the Blackfella's..

    Cape York Peninsula World Heritage Tentative Listing information sessions Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

    The very first thing that happened when the state forest adjoining my property was handed over to the Indigenous owners and UNESCO was try and void our small approved leased area used for gravity feed water supply in the National park.....fortunately we and others in the same situation stood up to it and won...I dont think you would win these days though..
    You got it right, lack of funds for Rangers or Police is the big issue, it's the whole Cooloola Coast, the rednecks just run wild and spoil it for everyone so it just gives the indigeonous people more ammo for their arguments.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  10. #10

    Re: Fraser Island Fishing Access Fight

    Hello All,
    at risk of entering the lion's den;

    National parks are set aside for animals and plants to live, they are not playgrounds for human beings.

    Australia's population is increasing, ABS predicts that by 2050 it will be 35 million, that is about a 40% increase on the current 26 million.
    2050 is only 26 years away, now imagine what a 40% increase in usage will look like on Fraser Island.

    I am only 65 years old and I have seen shocking degradation of our national parks caused by overuse.

    If there are not limits an visitation imposed sooner rather than later our national parks will turn into cesspits.

    If you don't like what I am saying look up the numbers for yourself.

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