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Qld Rec fisher changes in the air
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Thread: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

  1. #1

    Exclamation Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    Recreational fishers of Queensland are in for changes, again.

    Apart from the ever lingering prospect of a saltwater fishing licence hanging over our heads, it seems there is a strong possibility that mandatory catch reporting is on the cards. This would be done through new technology via an App, for your phone. Initially, I am suggesting the reporting be voluntary / elective, but there is no doubt, it will become compulsory and this will then be legislated and just another way for any Governments to collect money from us via fines for NOT reporting. The current commercial fishers in Qld are absolutely smashed with paperwork and reporting systems, it really is a crime. Recreational fishers have long been skeptical of virgin bio-mass and catch rates used by Fisheries Scientists to provide management outcomes. By us not wanting to pass on our catch rates to fisheries, for various reasons, the end result is that they will find a way to make it compulsory, and mandatory reporting via an app will be their weapon of choice.

    The FRDC in association with other research entities can hand over a $1,000,000 to find a way to get recreational fishers to report catch rates, but I am sure those monies could be better spent on the actual fishery they are trying to manage. The Queensland Government is spending small fortunes on failed management protocols and the department is bleeding dollars with no result to the fishery. Millions spent on research into a better way to manage the fishery all for nought. Every time the result is the same. Reduce bag limits, seasonal closures, slot limits etc etc………. all failing by their own admission.

    The land farmers do it right, plant a seed and grow a crop, breed up stock, nourish the land, crop rotation which are simple and time tested methods of sustainability. Qld fisheries just implement tighter controls. Never have they tried to replenish the habitat or breed up stock, they simple allow harvesting. I am not saying it is their fault, but when you are given limited tools to do a job, the end result is substandard and in the case of all Queensland Fisheries, failing. Failing to address the real issues.
    Every Queenslander that owns a fishing rod knows there are problems and most know how to fix it. You know why they know…. Because they are not hamstrung by Government interference and vote garnering agendas. Wild Stocking, Artificial Reefs, Green Zone Rotation are very simple, easily managed, cost effective and economically viable options that are NOT on the table under current Queensland Fisheries Management protocols. Why not ? That is a question for the Minister and Director General. Our Queensland fishery is accelerating into an abyss of legislative bungling, poor management and eventual collapse all because of short sighted Governments.

    A point in case is the new found possible fishery of North WA Mudcrabs. Fisheries identified ( used recreational data via trolling social media pages and more ) a Mudcrab population worthy of commercial harvesting. Why ? Why find this species and try to commercialise it to a point that will no doubt lead to new restrictions on recreational crabbers and eventually on the commercial guys. Restrictions mean more policing, more management, more funding required, and to put it simply, it is just “ jobs for the boys “, a continuous circle of finding ways to keep them and their mates employed. Just because it is there, there is no need to exploit it.

    There are many ways to bring Queensland back to a fishing tourism mecca and some of those ideas have been implemented on other States, but it seems we are behind the eight ball and the only way around is to include new tools of management.

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  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    No matter what happens only a few would hand over there catch results I know how the fisheries lied about the log books for the professional fishermen.

    Let see Steve Morgan say now who shares wins.

  3. #3

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    And finally the "Reds Under The Beds " Appear ..

  4. #4

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    I think licencing recs needs to come in.....mandatory reporting will need to be painless and glitch free.
    Apps are probably the worst avenue for reporting these days with such a high rate of data theft around these days.

    I have been reducing my exposure to data theft a lot this year.....I think everyone needs to pull back from apps.

  5. #5

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    Dito to that too.

  6. #6

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    While I agree with everything you said Phill. You know intimately how bad the RRFF review was back in the day. Their models are bogus and that comes from crap data in = crap data out. I was a proponent of the mandatory catch reporting. It’s not that hard to implement. My biggest concern now is the flip flopping from the scientists. When their current models don’t show alarming declines or seriously low “biomas” estimates they simply find a new model that does. We saw this recently with the Spanish Mac biomas debacle. This is just a fact that even the ardent fisheries defenders can’t argue with.

    So now even if I got my earlier wish of mandatory reporting so we actually had good data, I’ve lost all faith that fisheries will do the right thing with that data. As you said, it’s “jobs for the boys” and it’s one of those jobs where if they actually did their jobs well they’d put themselves out of a job. We can’t have that now can we.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    Just say NO
    Don't put the boat in for a month, 2 months, 3 months.
    The trouble is 90 percent are sheep.
    Just look at the recent harm done to the sheep.
    The reds have always been under the bed.
    We know the commies are in power when the directive "dob in" is in their propaganda.
    "Just say NO
    Don't put the boat in for a month, 2 months, 3 months"
    Argh, but who does that hurt? Small buisness, Docaster.
    Yes, and you know what, that's exactly what the globilists want. And Australia's market share of outboards is nothing. This has nothing to do with fish stocks, it's about our ability to avoid their poisonous processed food.
    No protein equals no brain. Plenty of evidence to support that.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

  8. #8

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    What might be better is to make it known that "NO"" to all Comrade Candidates in all elections by or large.

  9. #9

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    Amazing what goes through peoples minds

    You would have to be kidding yourself if you believe that fish stocks are not in decline . The only recovery we have seen in the last 20 years is by the implementation of tougher laws , reduced bag limits , closures , marines parks etc .

    Add to that the quantum leap in marine technology - boat's , motors , electronics & apps - this decline in fish stocks will continue specially with the improvement in fishing efficiency added to boaties venturing further afield.

    Ask yourself why do you venture further / wider etc to catch a feed of fish - be honest & you will have the answer to why we need to have to go down this pathway.
    Many fisheries have been virtually wiped out & have only recovered with the assistance of tougher laws / bag limits etc.

    As for jobs for the boys ..... I doubt it.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  10. #10

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    Fair Nuff Chris but what has that to do with Rec Fishers being imposed to keep records via App or whatever!!??. Al the reductions you mentioned like bag lmits closures etc , arent they enough if stocks are in decline ??..
    Maybe the added baggage this Gov is carrying wont be Happy till all Fishing , Logging , Mining , Burning Fossil Fuels and breathing Air is STOPPED.,.
    Could add more but waste of time me thinks ey..

  11. #11
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    Maybe fish stocks are in decline. Maybe different down south.
    In the north I'd argue one doesn't get a huge increase in crocs with no food supply. In the 70's crocs were as rare as hens teeth, i wonder what they eat now. And sharks, can't kill them either. Flake was common in fish and chips shops. The grey suits can take a share of everything caught, they're a bigger problem imo.
    A major problem is releasing undersized catches, perhaps a proven device should be mandatory.
    And should no take species that carry ciguatera#be released. Any studies done on that option.
    Maybe I'm naive on how many fish are caught, but what's the rule, only 10% of fishermen catch fish. I certainly don't catch enough to justify the expense.
    And as far as an app goes, like that wouldn't be used to spy on people would it. Report a good trip, and bang, there's a knock on the door inspecting your freezer.
    I don't have a problem with most things, but what's the point of the massive green zones that are never changed. That in itself puts pressure on areas. Are any studies done on this?
    And while I'm on a rant, plastics. Are they actually plastic, don't they kill fish, clogging up their systems? Seems stupid to me to complain about plastic in the oceans when the fish get fed it. Any studies done on what then gets fed to us. They reckon microplastics are now in our blood. Anybody know?

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

  12. #12
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    I have mixed feelings about a rec fishing app....but agree that there are more people that are better equipped at catching fish then ever before.

    Sure accurate numbers should be used to make more accurate stock assesments but even knowing that, many would not fill it in honestly, and we still face the conundrum of pressure from conservation organisations and infiltration of left wing Uni students into fisheries and national park positions as well as a left wing state and federal government.....

    Many of the blokes up my way that catch the most fish are very distrustful of government, fisheries and national park changes and motives in general.

    if the Spanish mackeral assesment showed us anything its that the truth doesnt matter but more so the agenda of those that make the decisions...

    and that just reducing bag limits of one of the most popular freezer fillers will just put more pressure on other species....

    As I have stated before, Pro catchs should be reduced before that of Rec guys who put their blood sweat and tears into owning their own boat and gear and are willing to go out and hunt down a feed...

    I believe we have a greater right to the stocks then those who just pay for seafood to the detriment of stock numbers and the associated by- catch killed by Pro's.....

    I know the inshore GBR fisheries will see a big improvement once the gill nets are phased out...hopefully no stupid rec rules will be changed until we see the results of those changes.

    and yeah some solution needs to be sorted in regards to increasing shark numbers in GBR waters ...perhaps marketing Flake should really be pushed as the main takeaway item for fish and chips...I remember it used to be when I was a kid...

  13. #13

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    Also how much of a difference would it make if we were to stop feeding the rest of the World with our stocks??.

  14. #14

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    The greed factor will stop plenty of people from giving catch data to the government correctly if at all.....they will not want to have tighter bag limits or increased minimum length or closed seasons.....

    Then you have the large part of the population that are share farmers that will never give any data up.....yes it is a large percentage of the population.

  15. #15

    Re: Qld Rec fisher changes in the air

    Share farmers?
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

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