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Thread: Fish ID Norman Creek/Brisbane river

  1. #1

    Fish ID Norman Creek/Brisbane river

    Hi All

    I seem to be the only one posting in this section recently.

    Another Fish ID please.

    My internet search suggests Australian threadfin aka putty nose perch.



  2. #2

    Re: Fish ID Norman Creek/Brisbane river

    Correct and good eating used to be prolific in the river.

  3. #3

    Re: Fish ID Norman Creek/Brisbane river

    Thanks Rayken1938. Both released as I wasn't sure on ID

  4. #4

    Re: Fish ID Norman Creek/Brisbane river

    The fish you have there is Polydactylus Multiradius - aka putty nose Perch or threadfin salmon....grows to 25cm roughly.

    Threadfin Salmon we catch that are bigger are usually Polydactylus Macrochir aka threadies, king threadfin or giant threadfin and grow to 170cm.

    Entirely different fish that share the same name.

    IDFish app is full of ID's that are less than ideal creating confusion. Do not use that app.

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