A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
It's another way innsurance companies get out of paying. If something happened, sorry (it wasn't roadworthy) , but the previous owner could make a claim no dought, if they haven't cancelled theirs. Because it's not yours until the contract to transfer is fulfilled legally.
Even if one gets a permit to drive or tow whatever an unregistered item, read the fine print, everything needs to be working correctly. Not that this applies here.
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Remember boats don't have to be registered in the NT
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A quintrex dealer could probably tell you..You would think they would use the same on all trailers..
Otherwise a set of each Holden and Ford..
Cause its just no fun trying to change bearings on a non -existent sloping road shoulder in the middle of nowhere where you actually have chock up the trailer with rocks and bash off the old broken bearing to find out what it is and then have to drive to the closest town to get the parts........it also taught me that rocks dont make very good hammers so always carry a basic tool kit...
You must be itching to get back on water Matt....that little rig should do the trick nicely...Have you looked at it yet..?
I already have bearings I had when I had the bluefin that I’m sure will fit as it was almost an identical trailer , yeah can’t wait to get back on the water but have to sell the van first . My brother in law and sister-in-law are taking it tomorrow for a week up to their place so they can try it out and should make a decision next week so I should be right . It will be a step up from the bluefin but easily handlable and is mostly new 50 hrs on the motor with 6 years warranty , the hull is 2002 but 5 mm plate and seems in great nick . If the van sells I’ll head down and have a look next week after work one day as it’s only just over the border .
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
Not trying to put you off but…… I am always suspicious of anything that’s just been painted and is for sale, not suggesting it’s a dud, it’s just something that makes me wary.
Yeah same here , just spoke to the bloke and the old motor crapped itself late last year b so he had the boat painted and new wiring as well to get the old girl back to excellent condition. He has had it 9 years and it’s been a great spots boat that was due for a tidy up , motor has 50 hrs and I’m going for a look and a run on Thursday so if it’s what I’m expecting I’m on it
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
I recently bought a caravan in nsw and brought it up to qld. I contacted nrma for a cover note, no such thing anymore, so i had to take out a full policy once i bought it, and change over the details once it was transferred into my name. Can't vouch for other insurance companies.