Another thing to think about when trying to choose an oil, does Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Mercury all have their own oil refineries?, i am betting they mostly get the oil from a refinery but order with their own color and additives.
Another thing to think about when trying to choose an oil, does Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Mercury all have their own oil refineries?, i am betting they mostly get the oil from a refinery but order with their own color and additives.
That’s pretty well true for almost every company! There’s only a few refineries, but…..different manufacturers specify different oils for their products, doesn’t mean they actually make the oil. You can use any oil you like, and most will be perfectly OK, but… and then!
whats owning a refinery got to do with anything ?
you order your base stock and add the additives to get the properties you want.
It doesnt mean every single product is the same thing in different bottles
yamalube 4l engine oil is $57 no name yumcha brand is 25-30 for the average boat owner doing a service every year is it worth the risk of $30
i worked as a buy for a major supermarket chain and their no name oil was recycled engine oil
similar looking bottle though so must be the same as the expensive stuff