Honda , Suzi , Merc 4 Stroke Engine oils the same or get Engine Oil that is specified for Honda ??..
Just thinking ofdoing Engine gear box oil change betsween services myself..
Honda , Suzi , Merc 4 Stroke Engine oils the same or get Engine Oil that is specified for Honda ??..
Just thinking ofdoing Engine gear box oil change betsween services myself..
As long as the oil fits the manufacturers specification it will be fine, regardless of brand. Genuine oils tend to be more expensive, but usually cover you if a warranty issue should arise, plus they tend to be in the right size containers.
yamaha lube products fit the yamaha gearbox filling kit etc
i dont do enough hours to justify taking a risk as it sits in the shed more then does on the water.
if doing multiple services per year then i guess it can add up
Sooooooo then whatcould be different in say a Honda Lube to a Suzi lube that would make a difference to the lubrication of that engine ?? . Would there be a difference in the metals used to require a particular lubricant ??..
say from a valvoline to a Honda to a yammie Lube all is a 10W30 for example ??..
Each brand will likely add it's own preferred additives to the base 10w30 oil.....that may be a detergent, a high temp reactive modifier or a simple colour dye.....we do not get to know what it is.
At 100 hour service intervals I do not think it is worthwhile changing oils mid service run. At 50 hours there will be next to no degradation of the oil and the filters should be collecting any particulates.
You can request full synthetic oils at the services.....probably at an extra cost.....however it is likely if they use the propriety oils they will likely be synthetic anyway.
You car runs 8,000 to 15,000km between services which is roughly 100 to 187.5 hours at 80kph average so they are using similar service intervals in boat engines.
If anything I would check levels and if there is any water present only.
Interesting....I got quite a shock when i played with the overlays in my sounder to show engine oil pressure....give it a go.
Outboard oil pressure is quite high compared to a car engine, even though lots are “based” on automotive models. It’s also why cheap, copy oil filters split on outboards, but are OK on cars.
AmazingHonda sez 10W30 so long as its outboard 4 stroke engine oil ??.
[QUOTE=Volvo;1704012]AmazingHonda sez 10W30 so long as its outboard 4 stroke engine oil ??.[/QUOTE
So Honda said we dont care as long as its Outboard oil so why not use Honda outboard oil??????
[QUOTE=chris69;1704016]What i have ordered actually , But!! If other Marine grade engine oil in the same calibre but cheaper why wouldnt you ??.
I guess same with , Yammie , Suzi , Merc etc ??.
For those that can do their own servicing a dollar here n there across all parts my be well worth the effort ??.
[QUOTE=Volvo;1704019]You shoud know by now Volvo if its got a M for marine you know there going to charge you more i understand trying to save were you can but some times you just have to get the right oil the only way to save in that department is to buy bulk from someone ,its a pitty Spanardking is not on here he would have told us strait out whats in the marine oil for outboards and the ins and outs of it.
Just learnt that the Marine engine oil has higher levels of anti-corrosive additives in it compaired to automotive engine oil.