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Time for a new Epirb.
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Thread: Time for a new Epirb.

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2008

    Time for a new Epirb.

    Yer its time for a new epirb and was looking at these Ocean Signals they have 10years battery life and 5 year warranty any had one or god forbid had to use one if so what are your thoughts Ive always had a GME.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Seaforth QLD & Cairns

    Re: Time for a new Epirb.

    Yeah, I've always stuck with GME too. I think it's one of those things that often gets overlooked cause it only benefits you when you really need it. I put them in the same boat as a recovery winch on a car, when you're using it, it's cause you have to, and generally it's your last resort, so you really don't want to cheap out.
    Cause they last so long, I haven't really had to shop too much for them, or done it recently, but technology is getting better and better so I dare say there are some great units out there. My next one is going to be one that does the best at identifying where I am as accurately as possible, doing a lot of fishing at night in FNQ the cold isn't really the problem, but floating around as bait concerns me

  3. #3
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Time for a new Epirb.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corry View Post
    Yeah, I've always stuck with GME too. I think it's one of those things that often gets overlooked cause it only benefits you when you really need it. I put them in the same boat as a recovery winch on a car, when you're using it, it's cause you have to, and generally it's your last resort, so you really don't want to cheap out.
    Cause they last so long, I haven't really had to shop too much for them, or done it recently, but technology is getting better and better so I dare say there are some great units out there. My next one is going to be one that does the best at identifying where I am as accurately as possible, doing a lot of fishing at night in FNQ the cold isn't really the problem, but floating around as bait concerns me
    Personally wouldnt have a clue which is better....I guess its one of those things that you wont know till you actually need it..

    The other thing with Epirbs is that I have a heard of a couple of sinkings where the epirb went down with the boat or was caught under the boat, so perhaps the mounting location and being able to access it in foul weather, if a mishap befalls you is the most important consideration (besides testing it periodically to see if its working)...

    Does anyone know if an Epirb is approaching its use by date how much has the battery capacity dropped over those 9 years...?...

  4. #4

    Re: Time for a new Epirb.

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Personally wouldnt have a clue which is better....I guess its one of those things that you wont know till you actually need it..

    The other thing with Epirbs is that I have a heard of a couple of sinkings where the epirb went down with the boat or was caught under the boat, so perhaps the mounting location and being able to access it in foul weather, if a mishap befalls you is the most important consideration (besides testing it periodically to see if its working)...

    Does anyone know if an Epirb is approaching its use by date how much has the battery capacity dropped over those 9 years...?...
    I'm amazed at a lot of boats I look at and have to look hard to spot an epirb or fire extinguisher. My epirb is right in front of the throttle and the fire exginguisher is on the passenger side right next to the hand rail. I do have space below the combing where they wouldn't be an eyesore but figure in an emergency I want to be able to grab them quickly and effortlessly.

    I did pull down a previous epirb and the battery still had enough charge in it, but I don't recall how much it was but it was above the minimum stated.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
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  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Time for a new Epirb.

    Does anybody keep there out of date epirb? I usually do for backup, but not at the moment (decommissioned now) as i intend to get another new one.
    I was told it was up to me, as there's no "law" against it.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Time for a new Epirb.

    Could be a good idea. When I was in VMR years ago, they used to advise to keep your old flares, use em first if needed, if they worked, happy days, if not, you still had your newer ones.
    Some suggested it was a bad idea as old ones could just blow up in your face. I've seen ones that are a dozen years out of date set off and worked like they should... could be lucky dip though.

    Could run the same theory with the EPIRB, use old one first, nothing to lose.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Time for a new Epirb.

    I reckon if you had to set the epirb off (if life threatening). I'd be setting all off, not knowing if the battery is strong enough. [emoji16]

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

  8. #8

    Re: Time for a new Epirb.

    I plan on keeping my next out of date one in a dry bag that will be placed in a position that’s easy to get to in the event of a roll or a strike with something submerged. That way if I end up in the water hopefully the dry bag is floating near me some where.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  9. #9

    Re: Time for a new Epirb.

    As they have to be registered with AMSA will the expired ones help in an emergency, not sure whether they remove them from their registry once replaced.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Time for a new Epirb.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post
    As they have to be registered with AMSA will the expired ones help in an emergency, not sure whether they remove them from their registry once replaced.
    Good point, not sure about that one

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Time for a new Epirb.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post
    As they have to be registered with AMSA will the expired ones help in an emergency, not sure whether they remove them from their registry once replaced.
    Id say they do i did not even get a reminder that my epirb had expired which i thought they would have sent a reminder.

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